Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

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The next day Zordana helps her mother keep her fellow classmates calm when the Earth shakes and the sky goes dark the one person she was the most worried about is her father for he has a slight hero complex.... I mean she knows he helped create the dinosaurs that are now roaming the Earth who will need just as much guidance as she, her fellow classmates and the three who were in detention with her father yesterday plus so many others will need and since he helped create them he may try to be the one who guides them to a calmer more pleasant existence were they will no longer cause the fear that so many feel right now she helps her mother distract her fellow classmates... as well as herself.... by getting them to play games and playing her Ukulele as her mother sings and just like she does all her classmates love it when her mother sings for them and they also seem to like her playing her Ukulele which makes her happy.... after school was over Zordana and Iridiana head home Iridiana sends her daughter to go play while she heads down to the "man cave"/computer lab under the house and finds Tommy handing Kira, Ethan and Conner their Communicators "Dr. O, I know you're real smart and a science teacher and everything, but this is.... well I mean, how did you...." Kira asks after she takes hers "I'll fill you in in time" Tommy replies as he paces "speaking of time, you think Mesogog's going to stick around for awhile?" Ethan asks "unfortunately, they always do" Tommy replies "they?" Conner asks "I know this is a lot to take in" Tommy says "that's for sure" Ethan replies "your lives have just changed in ways you probably couldn't have imagined, but as long as you work together and remember you're a team, no one can defeat you no one" Tommy says Iridiana walks over and slides her thumb along Tommy's soul patch as she kisses his lips softly with a smile the fact that she did that reminded Tommy of the day he got his haircut "you hate it don't you!?!" he asks with a chuckle in his tone and a smile on his face when she first sees his now short hair "actually.... I find it rather sexy!" she replies coos as she slides her fingers through it and makes it spike up like he now always seems to have it he blushes with a smile and she kisses his lips and he deepens her kiss with a passionate one of his own Conner stares at them open mouthed and wonders how Dr. O ended up with a hot babe like her "so.... are they staying for supper!?" Iridiana asks "no" Tommy replies with a chuckle in his tone ignoring the fact that a open mouthed drooling Conner was nodding his head very slowly with his eyes locked on his science teacher's wife "alright, I'm betting you have to drop them off at home though" she says he nods with a smile "ok, well supper will be ready when you get home" she says he smiles then kisses her lips and watches as she walks back up into the house and Conner watches her leave but turns his attention away from her when Tommy turns his attention back to them.... when Tommy returns home after dropping the new Power Rangers off he finds his wife, daughter and the pups waiting out front for him he climbs out of his Jeep an walks over to them with a smile on his face and says "so, what's for dinner!? I'm starving!" Iridiana replies "before we take you inside you should see what we found during our walk" he tilts his head curiously at her Zordana takes his hand and leads him to the backyard which now has a makeshift stable and he stares at the three eggs in a large nest that sits in the middle of the fenced patch of grass near the stable "h-how!?! wh-where!?!" he asks "it seems I still have it" Iridiana says he looks at her confused "well I'm betting Meso's looking for them as well and just like the gems and Bio Zords he's probably keeping a very close eye on everything you and Anton created that would be useful...." she says she looks around then asks with a side shrug "I don't see him or the Tyrannodrones around here do you!?!" he chuckles with a smile when he realizes she meant that the enemies of the Power Rangers can't see/sense her anywhere he wraps his arm around her waist "here, we made these just in case you want to play with your "old friend".." she says as she hands him paper mache versions of the very eggs they are now staring at he chuckles as she continues "our daughter can show you where we found them.... after supper since you're "starving".." he laughs then they all head inside to eat once they were done Tommy takes care of the dishes then he and his daughter go for a little drive and spend some much needed "daddy daughter time" together and when they get home they make a little paper mache nest for the paper mache eggs which Tommy places the finished product in his "man cave" after Zordana goes to bed and just in case your wondering no Zordana doesn't know of her parents past life as a full and "part" time Power Ranger she does however know of her fathers work with Anton Mercer and the things they created together....

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