Are You There Zordon?! It's Us The Power Rangers!

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Iridiana secretly made plans to be in the audience when the Power Rangers were expected to be on  "The Harvey Garvey Show"  with her friends which she was sure would surprise Tommy who she lied to and said she had to work on that day

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Iridiana secretly made plans to be in the audience when the Power Rangers were expected to be on "The Harvey Garvey Show"  with her friends which she was sure would surprise Tommy who she lied to and said she had to work on that day.... not that he expected to see her there anyway.... he knows her friends will be there but not her what was even better was that they got front row seats Rocky had gotten upset when he Iridiana told him she wasn't coming when he had asked if she was "my life doesn't revolve around the Power Rangers Rockster!"  she tells him "but Tommy's a....!"  he starts she tilts her head and gives him a "you're really going to say that!?!" expression his eyes widen when he realizes what he almost did and he became ashamed of himself "I have more important things to do I DO have a JOB you know!?!.... and before you ask "why" let me list them off for you one I have rent and bills to pay, two I have a car with insurance which I also have to pay for, three I have a puppy at home, for food, clothes and other "girly" necessities you DON'T want to hear about!"  she says he smiles "oh and I already know Thomas moonlights as a crossdresser I've seen it so there's no worry there!"  she says he laughs just then Tommy walks over with a smile on his face and asks "what's up!?!"  he sees Iridiana frown which worries him she shakes her head he nods in reply though he's now quite confused as to what the "big secret" is he knows she'll tell him sooner or later what was worse is that even Rocky now wore a frown which really makes him curious as to what happened before he walked over to them "speaking of work I have to go!"  Iridiana says she walks over and kisses Tommy's lips then says "I'll see you later"  he nods with a smile then watches her walk away.... Iridiana tries very hard not to roll her eyes as the crowd around her chats "we want the Power Rangers"  over and over and over again she was pretty much wishing she never came but she was already here and there was no turning back now the host jogs in with a smile on his face and asks with his hands up in the air as the crowd continues chanting "do you want 'em?"  he places one hand by his ear in a "I can't hear you" sort of way and asks again "do you want 'em?"  then he says as he points at the audience "you want 'em, you've got 'em"  he walks backwards towards his desk and says after he sits down "you've come to know them and love them as superheroes battling against unbeatable odds fighting monsters of all shapes and sizes protecting us from the forces of evil they are proponents of good will and brotherly love and here they are in their first national television appearance as the Worldwide Ambassadors of the International Education Council ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the one and only Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!"  each of the Power Rangers cartwheel onto the stage showing off a few Martial Arts Moves Iridiana and her friends wolf whistle as loudly as they can overpowering the cheering of the crowd as the Black Power Ranger cartwheels onto the stage somehow they all knew that not only was Adam surprised to see Iridiana in the crowd he was quite possibly also smiling under his helmet the Yellow Power Ranger is next, then the Blue Power Ranger, then Pink, Red and finally White Power Ranger the true reason Iridiana was there she tried her hardest to pretend it was just another Martial Arts Competition he was competing in but it was kinda hard to do.... it took Tommy aka the White Power Ranger awhile to get over his shock when he saw Iridiana who smiles at him and he smiles under his helmet with a soft chuckle that gratefully no one heard for that would have been hard to explain and there was no way he was going to bring attention to Iridiana and her friends after all they were safer this way for if the world knew they knew the Power Rangers they would never have the peace they've always dreamed of he had half a mind to bow before them and it took almost everything in him to not do so and instead he walked towards the couch he and his friends were meant to sit on as they were being interviewed.... "poor Saba didn't get a introduction!"  Noelani teases "he's probably grateful for that!"  Iridiana replies the girls laugh softly luckily for them all the attention of everyone in the crowd was on the Power Rangers it was the only "positive" thing about all this even though they were on national television none of the attention was on them  "you know, it's really an honor having you all here today"  Harvey says "well Harvey, we're here to spread a message to kids all over the world the way to be cool is to stay in school"  the White Power Ranger replies "yeah, you've got that right"  the Yellow Power Ranger adds "it's the only way to get ahead"  the Red Ranger adds the crowd claps "they sound like a infomercial!" Avari teases with a whispered tone the girls chuckle softly as they all politely clap along with the audience "that's great advice Rangers"  Harvey says to the Power Rangers then he says while pointing at the camera with a smile "don't go away we'll be right back with more Power Rangers after this short commercial break"  Iridiana looks over at the blue curtains that separate the stage from backstage and she groans "what are they doing here!?! and how did they get backstage!?!"  Avari and the others look over and see Bulk and Skull's heads pop out of the curtain not caring if they get caught Avari and Noelani storm over to them and say with their hands on their hips "what are you two idiots planning now!?!"  Bulk and Skull try to look innocent but instead they look like two kids who got caught their hands in the cookie jar the White Power Ranger who seemed to be the only one who noticed them walking towards backstage watches them curious as to what caught their attention.... Tommy rolls his eyes behind his helmet when he sees Bulk and Skull once again get scolded by their sisters and is surprised that they bring them back to the audience though he begins to understand why when they make them sit by Iridiana who frightens them the most and he knew she could "make them behave"/"keep them in line" for he's seen her do it plenty of times before he turns his attention back to Harvey when he hears him ask "now Rangers, did staying in school help you to become Power Rangers?"  the Blue Power Ranger replies "well let's put it this way, you can't become a Power Ranger without first developing your mind"  the White Power Ranger adds with a thumbs up "you've got it"  the Yellow Power Ranger adds "and try to get good grades"  the White Power Ranger says as he pats Yellow Power Ranger's shoulder with his hand "that helps"  he chuckles "our education has even helped us to outsmart Zedd's evil monsters"  the Black Power Ranger says "every single one of those monsters we've faced has some special skill that required us to use our heads"  the White Power Ranger adds "now, can you give us an example of that?"  Harvey asks "sure, there was a monster called Puggy Pig who was devouring the entire worlds food supply the planet was in terrible danger no one was safe he seemed so unstoppable it was horrible he even ate our weapons"  the Pink Power Ranger replies then she lets out a short chuckle "what did you do?"  Harvey asks "well we used our heads and reasoned that Puggy Pig couldn't stomach spicy foods"  the Blue Power Ranger says "so, we fed him some spicy radishes and made him sick it was totally gross"  the Pink Power Ranger adds after a small pause she continues "and it worked that Porker began to spit up all of our weapons"  she chuckles "in the end the radishes completely incapacitated the monster"  the Blue Power Ranger says "fantastic you really do use your heads"  Harvey replies....

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