Chapter 1

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Mom and Dad is arguing again. I hate to stay at home and listen to them fight. Most of the time it's because of money and how dad spend more time in casino than being with us at home.

I remembered Mom was all ready to leave dad already because of his addiction to casino.

I also tried to talk to dad about it, but he just told me not to involve my self with adult problems.

I am on my fourth year in college now and I will be graduating soon. I don't have much friends at school because I'm an introvert. I'd rather be alone than socialize.

I have my childhood friends, Irine and Nop. But they understand me for being an introvert.

I have many plans after I graduate. I wanted to go to England and visit my grandparents since I really miss them so much. I am planning to work also afterwards.

My dad always told me that I will be the one to replace him in our business. I don't mind but of course I want to have my own identity.

Anyways, I need to go now. School is waiting. She closed her journal and went on her way.


Can you please be careful with that. It cost more than your life. Better place it correctly. She is now barking orders to her people.

Hey, why so angry in the morning, huh? Tee one of her friends ask her.

Just leave me alone, Tee. I'm not in the mood for talking. 

Tee just raised her hand.

Freen Sarocha is one of the famous and wealthiest lady in her generation. She owns several businesses already and she is only 25 years old.

Freen grew up in a not so typical environment. Her dad is a famous magnate owning several hotels and casinos in the country and internationally.

Most of her childhood she spend it with her nanny. She seldom see her dad, but she understand her dad. She understand that her dad only wants to give her the best. Her mom died when she was only 3 years old.

Freen has an older brother, Heng but he is really different. Heng is a arrogant, inconsiderate and proud man. He sees himself as someone who needs to be praised always. Not to think he has several illegal businesses. 

Freen is not associating her self to her brother. She hates him because he always gets into trouble and it's Freen cleans up his mess.

She has several friends and they understand Freen's mood swings. They are the only people Freen trust. She can tell them all her secrets and she knows it will be safe with them.

But Freen is also a chick magnet. She will have different gals every time she feels stressed out or in a bad mood.

She don't do relationships. She hates commitment. She only loves to have one night stands with the girls she will flirt with, yes no boys allowed only girls.

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