Chapter 28

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This is what Freen is avoiding. She did all in her power to protect her family. She is now sitting in the waiting area of the hospital. Everything is flashing back to her. She wanted to stop from crying but could not control it. Two of the most important person in her life is now inside the emergency room. Her dad and Becky.


It was suppose to be a fine Sunday afternoon and they are having some light convo moments in the garden.

When suddenly unfamiliar men invaded Freen's house and took Becky from her. Freen was fighting so hard with them but they are just too many.

Freen's guard were also caught off guard with what happened. Freen with all her will still managed to run after them.

Becky was drugged because she is really fighting them.

Then Freen then got a call from Brandon saying that her dad was also taken from his mansion.


Becky is now in Heng's possession. 

Finally.... You are mine now.. He is looking at Becky who is still asleep because of the drug...

Then he did what he wanted all this time. He had no mercy. It was obvious that Heng was high on drugs and his eyes is full of lust for Becky.

You are mine... Then he laugh and continued what he is doing. You are all mine. 


Freen is going all ballistic with her men and is not stopping searching for Becky. 

Her Ninong General is also helping her. Police and special task force are now moving to penetrate where Heng is hiding.

Freen is being advise by her Ninong to just wait for them outside the place but she is not listening.

When they were finally inside the property and gunshots are all over the place already, Freen also made her way inside with the help of her men.

Heng I will really kill you. I will really kill you.

She had shot several of Heng's men. She is all loaded up and no one could stop her already. She is really determined to find Becky. 

She found the room, when she tried to turn the knob it's lock. So one of her guard used the gun.

When she opened the door. He saw Heng passed out in bed. And she saw Becky.

She immediately pulled Heng out of the bed and punch his face. Heng tried to push Freen but her anger will not allow Heng to live. Then she took her gun and shot Heng twice.

Freen is so angry. Then she turn her attention to Becky. She saw her unconscious. No clothes on. She signalled for her men to get out. She does not want them to see Becky that way.

Freen pulled Becky to her. She is crying for her girl. She is crying and shouting curse words to Heng. With all the anger she has. She could not control herself anymore. She took her gun again and shot Heng several times.

She took Becky's clothes and slowly dress her. She is in so much pain seeing the love of her life in this situation.

She took her jacket and wrap it to Becky. She carried her girl out of the filthy place. She then took her to the hospital. They also found Freen's father and they also rush him to the hospital.


Becky is now awake but is not talking. She also does not want to see Freen. She told them to leave her alone.

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