Chapter 11

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Becky knocks on their house's main door. There's a light inside so she knows her mom is there.

Mom it's me. Please open the door.

Becky... She heard her mom. Then the door opened. Her mom pulled her and hugged her tightly.

Oh God you're here. Thank you for coming back honey. 

Then her mom noticed Freen.

Who is she honey?

Mom she is Freen. Mom I need to talk to you about something important.

Let's go inside. She also invited Freen.

They sat on the couch.

Mom, I need you to come and stay at Freen's house first. I know what happened to you and dad already.

Why do you need to go back there? Ma'am please let my daughter go. She is now looking at Freen.

Please call me Freen, ma'am.

As much as I want to let her stay here with you, I need to protect her from someone. I need to protect both of you. That is why I am hoping that you will agree to stay with us first.

What happened, honey? she is now asking Becky.

Ahm.. Freen's brother attempted to do something bad to me. Mom we are not safe here. I need you to come and stay first with us at Freen's place.

Okay, I will agree with this. But once all of this are done. I will need us to return here.

Thank you ma'am for understanding. Freen said.

Becky helped her mom pack some of her things and some important papers. Becky also went to her room to get something. Freen saw Becky's room and it's full of Care bear stuffed toys.


They arrived at Freen's place, Freen asked Becky what she wanted to eat.

Becky knows her mom loves to eat some Chinese dim sum. So that is what she told Freen. 

Freen informed Nana and she agreed to fix them with some Dim sum.

Freen personally escorted Becky's mom to the room. She wants to make sure that she is comfortable.

Becky is now debating in her mind where she'll sleep tonight.


Bec, you can sleep with your mom if you like.

Becky smiled at Freen because she always knows what I am thinking.

Then Freen went closer to her and whispered.

But I will really miss you tonight. 

Becky felt bad but she whispered to Freen, I will give you something later so that you'll not miss me that much. Freen looked at Becky and smiled.

Then Freen excuses her self because she needs to clean up first before dinner.

When she entered her room she could not hide her sadness. "I will be sleeping here all by myself again".


Becky is also longing for Freen's touch and she misses her already.

Her Mom is fixing her things in the walk-in closet.

Honey, why don't I see any of your things here?

Ahm.. Mom, when the thing with Freen's brother happened, Freen asked me to sleep with her because she wants to make sure I'm safe.

And I was having bad dreams, so I needed to have someone by my side.

I see. I'm thankful that she takes care of you.

Yes. I am just glad that she is not like her brother.


After they freshen up. Freen went to invite Becky's mom to have a late dinner.

Do you like some Jasmine tea, auntie? 

Oh, I love it. Thank you very much.

You're welcome, Auntie.

Bec, want some or...

Bec mouthed Milk tea.

Freen smiled and shook her head but obliged to get Becky's Milk tea. 

Here you go. 

Thank you. 

You are very welcome and tap Becky's nose.

Becky's mom is just observing the two but she is happy to see how Freen takes care of her daughter. 

Freen will put some food in Becky's plate and the other just take it and eat. They are sharing some stories while eating. Then Freen puts some vegetables on Becky's plate. Her mom was surprised to see Becky eating it.

Oh, you're eating vegetables now. Her mom teases her.

Becky looks at Freen and makes a funny face.

Thanks Freen for pushing her to eat vegetables.

It was not easy to convince her auntie. 

After eating Becky's mom went ahead to the bedroom. Freen and Becky went first at the lanai to have their alone time.

I'll miss you tonight. Freen softly whispers to Becky.

I will miss you too. I hope I'll not have nightmares again. Becky said sadly.

Hey, if you can't sleep, just go to our bedroom okay. Becky just nodded.

Freen back hug Becky and they just stay quiet for a moment.

Someone is sleepy already. Let me escort you to the room. Freen said

A few more minutes please. Becky bargained and Freen nodded gave her a kiss in the forehead.

I want to give you this. She took Freen's hand and put a ring on her left ring finger.

This is my most favorite ring and I want you to have it.

Why? Freen asked.

Because you are important to me and I will cherish you forever.

Awww... Thank you so much Bec. I will make sure to keep this safe and I will always use this where you put it.

Then Freen gave Becky a kiss in her temple.

After a few more minutes they decided to go to their respective room.

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