Chapter 26

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What?! Freen shouted with what she heard.

We are now hunting him, Freen. I made sure to give you a heads up so that you'll be able to take caution. 

I think someone helped him with all of this. We are investigating and even our men here is a person of interest already.

Ninong thank you for letting me know. But I hope you'll be able to find him. This is not safe for everyone here, including dad. I will need to let him know right away.

Then they ended the call. Freen is now preparing her things and she need to make sure everyone is safe. She knows that anyone can be a target. Anyone dear to her is a target.

She is trying call Becky but she is not answering. She decided to call her office. Becky is not in her office, she went out for a business meeting in a nearby restaurant. Freen even panicked since it's more unsafe for Becky now. She immediately called Becky's guard and told them to secure the place.

She immediately drove to the area where Becky is.

Freen is so stress right now because she also worries for her dad and Becky's family.

She ordered her top man to give specific instruction to guard them.

When she arrived at the restaurant where Becky is having the meeting, she saw that she is safe inside, Freen sat on one of the vacant seat near Becky just to make sure.

Becky did not notice her. She is too busy talking to their client and explaining something.

After the meeting, Becky looked at her phone and frowned. Maybe she already saw the missed calls and messages Freen sent her.

She is searching and scanning the surrounding. Then she could not help but smile. Why not? she saw a very beautiful eyes watching her intently and is so focus on her.

She took her stuff and walk towards that direction.

Hi. Can you stop looking at me like that.

Oh, sorry, it's just that you're so beautiful and I can't help not to look at you.

Oh sorry to disappoint you but I am happily taken already. Becky is trying so hard to be serious and sexy at the same time

Oh. Really now. Then Freen pulled her closer.

Good to hear that you are happily taken my dear.

Then Becky sat on Freen's lap and face her.

And what are you doing here? Becky asking her now.

Ahm.. about that.

I received your message you're asking me to go home immediately.

Is there a problem? Becky asked

It's Heng. He was able to escape prison.

What?! How?

Ninong said they bribe the personels and they helped him escape.

Then Becky's body obviously tense.

Hey, I am here. That's why I went here immediately.

We need to be careful and I need you and all of us to be more careful.

Babe I am scared.

I know, I know...

I will make sure that you are safe.

It's good that your mom and dad is on vacation now. But I will still make sure that they'll be guarded.

I need to talk to dad. I want you to come with me. I want you by my side.

Me too. I hope they'll catch him immediately.

I will make sure of that baby.

Babe I will ask you a favor, okay? Freen said.

I know you hate it, but I need you to carry the gun I bought for you. Just for your protection. Freen explained

Becky just nodded. She understand why Freen needed to ask her that. I can see how stress she is and how worried right now.

Babe please take care of your self, too okay. I will not survive if you'll be in danger. Becky said while she buries her face on Freen's neck.

Freen kissed Becky's temple and promise her that she'll be careful also.


They are now at Freen's dad mansion.

Dad... Freen greeted him and Becky seconded.

I know why you are here. I already got a call from your ninong general.

Dad I am doubling all our guard. I ask Jefferson to take the lead since he is the one I trust with this.

Freen you two need to be very careful. I also got an information that your brother is partnering with one of our rival. And I think he is already preparing for something. I already asked Brandon to prepare the stuff. The security system are all updated and I instructed them to man Heng's place.

Freen is just quiet while holding Becky's hand.

Becky I will ask you a favor, please take a leave first from your work. It will be very risky for you to go out now. Heng is all ballistic with this, I know he felt betrayed by what Freen did to her.

Becky looked at Freen.

It will still be your decision babe. I will support whatever you decide about your work.

Then Becky looked at Freen's dad.

I will call the office tomorrow to inform them. Thank you dad for thinking about my safety.

Of course, you're my daughter now.

He smiled at Becky.

Freen's dad asked them to stay for dinner and they obliged.

While they are eating their dinner, Brandon went in. He is informing them that they already know where is Heng.

We were able to find him sir.

Good. Continue to follow him Brandon. You know how sneaky he is.

Becky tensed a little and Freen noticed it. She held Becky's hand and caresses it.

After the dinner, they decided to go home.

Wanna soak on the tub with me? Freen whispered to Becky while they are in the car.

Becky nodded and smiled sweetly at her girlfriend.

Freen kisses Becky on her temple.


They are now in the tub.

Becky is resting her body onto Freen's body.

I love you so much baby. I just want to remind you that, in case you already forgot. Freen assured Becky

How can I forget that? You make me feel that everyday. They both chuckle.

Are you liking the massage babe..

Hhmmmm... So liking it babe.. and she releases a moan...

After their hot tub love making, they put on their PJ's and went to bed. Freen is making sure that Becky is asleep. She wants her to be rested and relax. And her, she could not sleep straight because she is so worried about their safety. Freen put her gun near her where she can just grab it in case she'll need it together with Becky's gun as well.

She is checking her phone for any update from her men but nothing as of the moment.

She is staring at Becky again and forms a smile on her face. How lucky I am to be loved by this angel. She is so precious to me. Please keep her safe and our family.

Freen eventually was able to sleep for a few hours.

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