Chapter 7

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I went back to my room. I miss home again. When will my dad get me out of here.

I feel like crying again. I really miss mom and dad.

I did not go out of the room the whole morning.

Nana came and talked to me for a bit. She is encouraging me to eat and if I want I can stroll outside once in a while.

So I decided to check the tulip garden in the backyard. It was so beautiful. It may not be like the ones in holland that I was able to visit already with mom, but this one is just perfect. How they arranged it, it's so beautiful.

Then suddenly someone spoke.

Hi there.

I was a bit startled.

Hi. I said respectfully.

Are you a friend of my sister?

Ahm.. a visitor. I answered.

By the way I am Heng. And you are?

I'm Becky.

Becky. Such a cute name.

I see you like flowers.

A bit. Ahm.. sorry. But I need to excuse my self now. I need to go back inside.

Oh, I see. Nice meeting you and hope to see you around.

I just nodded and walk myself back to the house.



Hmmm.. my dear sister is keeping a gem in her house. Is she one of her girl toy?

She's quite my type though.

Or can I say she can be the flavor of this month..

I will definitely get you one of this days. No one says no to me. Smirks.


Not far from where Heng is, Nana saw the encounter. She knows it was not a good idea that Heng saw Becky. She knows Heng when it comes to girls. Especially girls like Becky.



After my meeting, I went straight to my office and I have so many documents to check and I think this will be a long day again.

Nana called me and informed me that Heng was at the house and saw Becky.

I don't like the idea of Heng meeting her. He may be my brother but he is a big caution to girls.

I told Nana keep an eye on Heng and remind him that he is not allowed to stay at my place for too long.

Now I am distructed because I am worried about Becky.

In short I decided to go home and just finish my work at my home office.

When I arrived home it was lunch time and I saw Becky having her lunch alone.  I decided to join her but she ate fast and went ahead of me.

I am a bit pissed by her action. But I just let it go.

After eating, I went straight to my office and continue to work there.

I did not notice the time and I finish my work so late already.

I went out of my office. I saw someone in the kitchen, it was Becky and I think she is looking for something in the cupboard.

Do you need anything?

She got startled.

Ahm. I just need a medicine for my headache.

You'll not find it there. I went to the drawer where the medicines are.

Here. I gave her the medicine and went to get her a glass of water.

She thanked me and went back to her room.

She looks a bit pale. I feel worried now.

I knock on her door and I brought her jasmine tea.

Here have this. It will help you relax and help with the headache.

She took it, thanked me and then closed the door.

What the heck. After having concern on her she just closed the door in my face.

Such a tough one.

The following day, I have to leave early. But I ask Nana to check on Becky because I am worried of her headache.


Becky feels much better. She went down to have a breakfast and ask Nana if she can do some exercise at the gym. Of course you can.

Nana asked Becky about Heng. She cautioned Becky about him and ask Becky to be careful and don't engage in anything with Heng.

Becky assured Nana that she'll stay away from Heng.

Becky prepared to do some exercise at the gym. She stayed at the gym for an hour and then went back to her room and changed.

Becky is now watching Harry potter. She enjoys the movie every time she feels bored.



I am at my dad's place now. He called me and wants to discuss some new venture that he is planning to invest in. 

So what do you think about those proposal, Freen? 

I think this is good. The money involve is not that much. So it's a yes for me dad.

Ok. I'm just lucky that I have you.  After few discussion with dad, I excuse to myself already.

I went home and soak myself in the tub cause I really  felt my body is aching. I think I need to have a massage.

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