Chapter 17

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Becky was able to recover fast and she was allowed to go home already.

It was not easy for her especially when she had bleedings already because her body is not accepting the medicines to bring up her platelets. Freen on the other hand would look for a second opinion for Becky's condition. She was so worried about Becky. But thankfully Becky recovered.


Freen already accepted that Becky will work for a different company. Becky also made sure that she would not apply  with the rival company of Freen.

Are you excited on your first day? Freen asked Becky while they were relaxing in their room watching a movie.

I am.. But I am also nervous. I hope I'll be able to do my work correctly.

I am sure you will. I know you'll be an asset to their company.

Then Becky looked at Freen because she knows the other one is sulking again.

Hey, we've talked about this already..

I know. Don't worry about it, I understand already. Freen assured her.

Promise? Becky wants another assurance.

Promise. It's all good. Then Freen kissed Becky's forehead.

Freen just wants to be with Becky the whole day before Becky will start her work.

Becky notices that Freen is so clingy lately. I think it's because I am going to work for a different company.


Freen insisted that she'll drive Becky to her work. Becky did not object because she does not want Freen to sulk at her.

Good luck bec, I know you'll do great out there. Show them what you got. Freen encourages Becky since the latter is so nervous.

Freen kissed Becky on her cheek and Becky also kissed Freen on the cheek.

Honestly, Freen is sad because Becky did not want to work for her. The latter explained to her though what is the reason behind and she tries to understand her completely.

Freen is not in the mood the whole day because so many things is bothering her. So many what if's

What if Becky will fall for someone at her work. What if her boss is also liking girls. What if Becky will ask her that she'll need to move out of her house. So many what if and it is giving her headache already.


Becky was introduced to her co-workers by their HR head. She toured Becky in the office so that Becky will familiarized the place. People seem to be friendly and it makes Becky happy. She was given her own station and one of her colleque guides her on what their everyday will be.

It's a bit difficult for Becky right now but she always tells herself that she'll be fine and she'll cope up with it.

She recieved a message from Freen.

"I miss you already and I hope you are okay with your work. Let me know if you need anything. I'm just here for you always. Pick you up later. Let me know what time, okay."

Becky was all smile reading Freen's message but when she was about to reply to Freen her colleque called her to attend a meeting.

She was caught up with work that she forgot to reply to Freen.

It was time to go home and Becky is fixing herself already. As she exited the building, someone spoke.

I was hoping to receive a reply earlier.
Becky startled but the voice is too familiar to her.

She turned around and found a very serious Freen looking at her.

Hey, you're here. Becky gave her a quick hug.

I told you to let me know what time you'll be out.

Sorry, I got caught up with all the work I need to know. Sorry... Please don't get mad at me.

Here. Freen handling Becky her favorite drink.

Wow! Thank you so much, Freen. You really know what I need. After all the work I dealt with. She took the milk tea from Freen and start drinking it. Freen took Becky's things from her. I am all good now. I have my milk tea and I have my favorite person with me. Then Becky tap the nose of Freen.

Such a tease. Freen jokingly told Becky.

I am not. I am just telling the truth. Becky said.

Come on. We need to go. I'll bring you home and I still have a dinner meeting later.

You'll go home late again. Becky is like a kid now.

It will just be a quick meeting okay. I promise. I'll be home in no time.

You promise. Then Freen just nod at her.

They already rode the car.

When they arrived home Freen excused her self from Becky who is now talking to her mom about her work.

Freen needs to change for the dinner meeting. She opt to wear a black suit.

Becky followed Freen at the main door.

Be careful, okay. Please come home as soon as the meeting is finish ok..

I promise. You eat your dinner, okay bec.

I will. Take care, Freen.

Then Freen went inside the car already.

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