Three Musketeers

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They heard the door creak open and in came Tommy, Wilbur, and Phil. Carson visibly stiffened at the sight of Wil, who took the cue and stood at the door waiting for permission to stay. Carson tilted her head towards Techno, signaling Wilbur to sit near him. So thats what he did, he sat next to Techno on a beanbag while Tommy sat right next to Carson and Phil sat towards the end of the bed.

"Why do i got the three musketeers in my room?"

Phil looked at Carson who was holding Tommy close to her, obviously a bit frightened.

"Its alright Ez.. You don't have to tell them if you don't want."

Tommy whispered to Carson. Causing confusion from the other two boys. Carson nodded her head, looking at the two. All three didn't know, but Tommy was more clued in then the twins.

Carson sighed heavily

"Look I don't hate you guys, okay? I just.. I don't. Techno, Wilbur, I really don't have anything against you."

"So then why do you act like it?"

Carson looked at Phil for a bit of reassurance. She really didn't want to do this today.. but she didn't want to do it ever. So it was either today or never. Phil nodded his head and scooted closer putting up his hand as a question of if he could run it though her hair. Carson nodded and buried her face into Phil's chest.

"Tommy, can you go sit by the twins please? This is a really difficult story for her to tell."

Tommy nodded his head, getting up and sitting down next to Wilbur in the beanbag. Carson looked up and moved over slightly so she could speak.

"Before i was in the UK i was with my dad in America. Y'all always ask how i got my accent? Well i lived in America. Specifically the south, thats my accent."

"So how'd you get here?"

"Patience Techno. I was with my dad since my mom died when i was two, he kept me till i was eight. He did some things i don't talk about anymore. Doesn't matter he's gone now. I was put in foster care when i was eight, bounced around for two years until i ended up in a family that sold me. Sold me to a man here, got on a plane, he picked me up at the airport and i've been here since. After i went around like six guys i was sold to um.. him. He had me for almost two years. Alot of stuff happened."

"Wait so who is 'him'"

"If one more person interups her im throwing them out that window."

Phil half jokingly threatened

"No its alright Phil. Uh.. his name was Jacob Banks."

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