For the First Time In Forever

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Carson looked up at Phil and over at Eret. Both were just sort of staring at her, which caused Carson to jokingly push herself away from Phil

"What, is there something on my face?"

She said getting a laugh out of the two before Carson carried the box up to her room and they continued to muck around for the day.

When Carson walked back downstairs she saw Phil in the kitchen cooking dinner and everyone else was outside swimming in the pool.

"Hey bub, you wanna go swim?"

The girl just shook her head and instead sat down in the living room to watch TV

Carson had fallen asleep on the couch after twenty minutes of sitting there watching tv. Phil was still cooking in the kitchen and had called everyone in to get ready to eat.

They had two tables set up and each table could seat ten.

The first table was supposed to have Phil, Carson, Techno, Dream, George, Eret, Wilbur, Sam, and Punz.

The second table Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Skeppy, Bad, Jack Manifold, Quackity, Sapnap, and Karl.

For dinner Phil had made baked chicken and a couple vegetable sides.

The blonde haired man walked over to the couch to wake Carson up for dinner. He could guess this wouldn't be easy, Carson's had a long day and normally when she goes to sleep on a long day she stays asleep.

Phil shook Carson gently but the girl just shrugged him off, mumbling something about not getting up and using her hands to cover her face.

The man shook her a bit harder this time

"Carson come on its dinner time."

Phil tried uncovering her face and she pushed him away with a bit more violence then before

"Carson get up. You have to eat dinner cause you didn't eat lunch."

He once again started moving her hands and somewhat pulling her up off the couch.

Carson quickly stood up and shoved Phil off of her. As soon as she was out of his grasps she bolted up to her room, slamming the door shut and locking it before anyone could get in the room with her.

She knew it wasn't smart but Carson didn't care right now. All she wanted to do was sleep and now instead of Phil trying to pull her off the couch he was banging on her door.

"Carson open the door!"

The girl put her head between her hands. Yes it was her fault all the yelling was happening but all she intended to do when she came in here was sleep. Now she was getting overwhelmed and her mind was coming up with other things to do.

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!"

Phil however wasn't listening to the girls pleas, he needed to know she was okay. But Carson needed him to stop talking. Out of frustration Carson opened the window and got out on the roof. Slamming the window shut after her and laying down on the cold, rough tile of the roof.

She heard the banging inside slowly get less and less until it faded out completely. Next thing she knew Tommy's window was opening and someone was coming out.

Carson could've cared less who it was, thats why she just continued laying down listening to the noises of outside and shaking slightly because of how cold it was.

However when she felt something warm cover her, the girl couldn't help but open her eyes. She expected to see Phil or Sam or maybe Eret but instead she saw Quackity.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now