Just Tell Him The Truth

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Well that was atleast until the bedroom door opened and someones shoes made rough contact with the roof, Carson refused to look away from the slow moving clouds though.

But when someone put their hand on top of hers she couldn't help but glance at the person next to her.

Carson sighed and quickly looked back up at the sky

"Hey dad."

"Hey bub, whats up with you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Phil sighed, took his hand off of Carsons and sat up to look her in the eye. The girl knew this was coming. There was no point in being a dick about it now.

"Whats up with the eating Carson. And i need a better answer then the other night because this clearly isn't working."

"I know."

Carson said quietly. God it was too early for her to be crying. She needed to calm down and just talk.

Just talk Carson.

Just talk.

She nodded her head and began to explain a little bit

"He used to say i needed to be skinnier. At first i didn't believe it but after a couple weeks.. a kid can only take so much y'know?"

Phil nodded and held his hand out to Carson as an offer to hold. Which the girl gladly accepted

Carson took a deep breath, ignoring the way her breath shook and continued to speak.

"He used t-to do this thing. He would.. he'd offer me food a couple times a day. But i was only supposed to take it at specific times or he would punish me. So i started only taking the food seven days apart. I guess this was right because he didn't get upset with me about the food for a while."

The girl looked at Phil, waiting for him to catch up with the story. Maybe she was actually waiting for herself to catch up.

"Bu-but after a couple months you just can't.. you can't live that way. I was content with that but Jacob was far too cruel to let it happen. It was probably month twenty when he started to try and get me to eat again."

Carson stopped and took a deep breath. She hadn't told this story before.. the police knew through Jacob but she had never had to tell it. Luckily the bastard was proud of his "work" as he called it. So Carson never repeated the words, relived the events, she never had to.

"When i didn't eat he would um.. he'd.."

There was clear hesitance in what Carson was going to say. This was the part she hated, the part that made her feel gross.

"He used to hold his hand against my mouth and plug my nose until i swallowed the soup. A few times i would struggle really hard.. I gave that fucker a couple really bad burns."

She laughed slightly when she said the last part. It wasn't actually funny. Nor was it ironic. It was just so despicable that Carson couldn't help but laugh.

The girl glanced down at her stomach and began to speak again

"But i got a few of them too."

Carson sighed and looked back up at the bright blue sky, with the clouds slowly moving across it and into the distance.

Phil stared at Carson for a second. It seemed almost unbelievable what the girl had been through. Not that he didn't believe her, its just hard to comprehend that anyone could do that to a kid.

The man sighed and held onto Carsons hand a little tighter

"I'm sorry that happened bub."

"It's just li-"

Phil cut the girl off before she could finish

"I know its just life but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get an apology for it."

Carson nodded her head. She couldn't exactly argue with that.

The girl shook her head a little before going back to the topic at hand.

"Anyway its only been a few weeks so i.. i don't know. Its hard to just go back to normal"

"How can i help bub? Tomorrow's Monday, would you like to pack a lunch instead of buy it?"

"I.. i don't. Dad its been two weeks i don't even know what works yet."

Phil nodded and continued to stare out at the sky with Carson. Yeah, maybe they had plans today but he'd rather make sure his kid was okay.

The two sat there for a second before Phil thought of something.

They know Eret. Well, the family knows him. Wilbur's friend, Sam, is his son. Of course Phil never mentioned it, it was never important!

"Hey bub, Eret's supposed to come over today with Sam. Would you like to ask him for a bit of advice?"

Carson just nodded and laid her head down on Phil's shoulder.

A few seconds later Phil lightly patted Carsons knee and said something about going back inside, which the girl surprisingly agreed to.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن