The Best I Can Do

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When she looked at it, it was just a menu on the screen. Carson looked back up at Phil even more confused.

"What do i do with this?"

The four visitors were baffled that Carson didn't understand online ordering, however to Phil and the boys it was just explaining another thing to her.

Similar to how Tommy explained instagram to her, or how Phil explained texting. Yes she was twelve years old but most of her life she was held away from technology, basic school knowledge, maths and sciences, even writing! Almost anything you could think of. After all she only had schooling up to year four.

Eventually Carson had finally made the type of food she wanted with the help of Phil.

She looked back at Quackity, figuring he would be in another conversation by now, but instead he was just sitting there patiently waiting to continue talking with Carson.

"Not to stare."

The girl finished what she was saying as if she never stopped talking. Quackity however, seemed a bit confused by her statement.

"I shouldn't make eye contact?"

Carson shook her head

"No, i said you shouldn't stare."

"I wasn't staring at you!"

Quackity once again said much louder then intended, drawing the attention of Phil who quickly chimed in.

"Oh you absolutely were."

Carson smiled at Phil before looking back at Quackity, who seemed less then pleased at this information.

"Look, i get it. Part of you desensitizes so that you can do the job and seeing the person in real life is very different from seeing them in pictures. But staring at people makes them feel like a freak and especially if you're going to work with children? You need to fix that."

Instead of protesting any further the man just nodded his head.

"So.. is there anything else i need to know about working with children that school won't teach me?"

Carson laughed a little and looked at Phil. The blonde haired man saw her hesitance and tuned out of his conversation to make sure she was okay.

"You alright bub?"

The girl nodded her head, she wasn't upset with the conversation her and Quackity were having. Carson simply didn't know what she was allowed to say and what she wasn't, which is exactly what she told Phil.

"Say whatever you want. As long as you're comfortable with saying it then go ahead bub."

Carson nodded her head and looked back at Quackity, who once again was waiting patiently to continue their conversation.

"So is there anything i should know?"

Online Quackity may joke and curse and mess around with friends but he did want to do his job as best as he could. Working in law was one thing but Quackity was learning how to work child victim cases. Of course making them laugh and feel comfortable was what he was taught in school. But he was always told that you can learn quite a bit out of school too.

"Honestly? They're probably terrified. Don't try to relate to it or anything like that, just listen."

The man nodded his head and waited to see if Carson said anything else. But there was nothing else to be said.

Not like it mattered as it was only a couple seconds later that the door rang and the food had arrived, promptly silencing all conversations.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now