Late Night, Nightmares*

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The tv in his room was now playing a different persons stream, someone Carson had never met before. Phil was sitting at his computer doing some work, Carson laid back down on the bed and fell asleep within ten minutes.

"Daddy, Who is him?"

The man threw a empty beer bottle at the sound of the noise. He never wanted a kid. He never wanted her

She was supposed to be his wife's problem not his. When she died he didn't have any use for her.

Or at lease he didn't think he did.

Not until one of his buddies came over looking for a good time.

At first John wasn't sure it was a good idea. He didn't care about the girl. But this was illegal.

All it took was a little cash to convince him


No no daddy please help me!

Please daddy!

D-daddy he-lp me..

Carson shot awake, catching Phil's attention at his desk.

"Hey bub whats wrong?"

However when Carson went to respond she just stuttered. The girl cleared her throat and looked at Phil again, the man having moved to be right next to Carson.

"I-i had a bad dream."

Phil nodded his head

"Do you want to tell me what it was about?"


Carson hadn't called John her dad in years unless she had to. She didn't really think of him as a father anyway. The Morrison's were her birth parents and Phil was her dad as far as Carson was concerned. Her biological father was dead and she didn't need him anyways. John meant nothing to her, but sometimes she did find herself still accidentally calling him her father.

Maybe part of her wished that he was a good dad. That he never did what he did to her.

"Your father?"

"Don't call him that. You're my father, the Morrison's are my parents. He, however, his only relation to me is blood. And when you've done the things he's done? Blood means nothing."

Phil couldn't help but smile slightly when Carson said he was her father, but everything else she said made him frown deeply.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened in the dream?"

The girl thought for a moment. It was now or never right?

"When he would sell me out.. the first couple of times i didn't understand it. I used to call for him so loud i wouldn't be able to talk the next day. I always thought he would save me. At first i did at least."

Phil hugged the girl closely. She had been through so much already. Every time he heard something new he just kept hoping that was it but it never seemed to end for Carson. He always found himself more shocked for the poor girl each time she said something new. Its why Phil tried to be a bit easier on her then he is on his boys.

"Oh love.. i'm sorry."

The girl nodded her head slightly.

"Its alright. What time is it?"

Carson spoke tiredly and she probably was, it was almost 3am and nightmare sleep isn't the best type of sleep.

"Late enough for you to go back to sleep."

"Mkay.. can i watch one of your streams please?"

Phil nodded his head and turned on one of his recent streams. It honestly made him happy that Carson seemed to find comfort in the twitch streams. However Phil still had to get a little bit of work done so he went back over to his desk.

When he turned around thirty minutes later, Carson was fast asleep.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now