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"Hey Wilbur could we talk?"

Carson asked quietly to which she just got a nod in response

Both children stood up and left the room, telling Phil they would be in Carsons room talking and to just yell when lunch is done to which he obviously said okay to.

Once they got in Carson's room she walked over to her bean bag and plopped down. It was a very big pink bean bag that was in the room when she got here. Not that she minded, Carson actually liked the color pink.

Wilbur looked around for a second before sitting down in the chair at the desk and waiting for Carson to say what she wanted to talk about. However after five minutes of just sitting there Wilbur decided to ask

"Whats up Carson?"

The girl was zoned out staring at the bandages on her hands. An all to familial sight to Wilbur. When he was thirteen he had a problem with self harming, bandages always made him want to make more marks. He didn't know what was going through Carsons head but if the bandages were any sign then Carson was struggling with something much bigger then just anger

"Carson? What did you want to talk about?"

The girls head snapped up towards Wilbur and she quickly explained why she asked him in here

"Uh.. i think i have a problem, Wil."

Wilbur nodded his head and waiting for more of an explanation

"My hands.. when i saw the blood on them i.. it felt nice to be in control of hurting myself. Is that normal?"

The brown haired boy looked at Carson. She seemed so broken, so lost, so.. empty.

"Its not normal Carson, it means you need help. And needing help is okay. We all need help sometimes."

Carson nodded her head slightly

"Should i tell Phil? What if he like, hates me?"

"I think you should tell him. He wont hate you Carson. Trust me."

"Will you.. help me tell him?"

Wilbur nodded his head and offered a hand out to Carson for her to hold

"After lunch okay?"

The girl nodded her head and the two walked downstairs just as Tommy was running up to get them.

When he saw them he almost fell backwards on the stairs, but Carson was quick to catch him.

"Whoa, be careful Tom's."

"Sorry Carson, dad told me to come get you guys for lunch. He said we needed talk about tonight Wil."

Wilbur nodded his head but Carson was confused. What was happening tonight?

She looked at the brown haired boy with a questioning look but he only shrugged.

The two sat down at the table and looked at what they were having for lunch. It was just some sandwiches and chips, Carson and Techno had water and the rest had juice. The girl always asked for water, Phil had ideas on why but never anything with good evidence.

They sat eating for a few minutes before Phil started talking to the boys.

"So, we're supposed to stream tonight. Tubbo you can use the setup in the basement, Ranboo are you in the event?"

The boy looked up from his food and over at Phil

"Uh no but i'll probably just hang with Tubbo."

Phil nodded his head and started rambling again

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now