Aquarium Shenanigans

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Tommy was soaking wet and staring at the ground with a scared look on his face. So were Tubbo and Ranboo, however neither one was wet. Wilbur was clearly trying not to laugh and Techno was holding Tommy's forearm and guiding him back to Phil.

To say the two were confused was more then an understatement. As the group got closer they saw a worker trailing behind them. Phil walked towards the group and asked what happened, getting a response from Techno and a laugh from Wilbur.

"Tommy was petting the stingrays and Tubbo dared Ranboo to push him into the tank. We're lucky neither of them got hurt."

He spoke louder at the end of his sentence, successfully silencing Wilburs small laugh.

It honestly would've been funny if stingrays weren't so dangerous. But instead of being funny it was just stupid. Phil looked at the worker and waited for him to speak to him.

The man spoke with a irritated tone, not that Phil blamed him. It was a stupid idea to send those five off alone. The only mature acting person in that group was Techno and he couldn't control all four at the same time .

"They can't come back to the aquatic section. Your son is lucky he wasn't hurt and its a good thing your other son pulled him out so quickly, other wise he could be in the hospital right now. If anything else happens with this group today you will be kicked out."

Phil nodded his head and swiftly thanked and apologized to the worker.

Once the man had left Phil looked at the four younger boys before looking back at Techno and pulling out his wallet and handing him some cash.

"You and Carson go to the gift shop. We'll meet you there. Get whatever you two'd like."

Techno looked at Carson and nodded in the direction of the gift shop. The two walked off, leaving Phil with the four boys.

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