P-p-p-p-Poker Face?

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"Why are you staring at me, beanie man?"

The girl said jokingly so that he knows she isn't upset with him

"Sorry. I wasn't meaning to."

Carson looked at him confused. She wasn't angry with the man. She understood that he was learning about her in school and that she was a strange case. It wasn't going to kill her to talk to him.

"Don't apologize. Just tell me why you're staring. I'm not an asshole, even though that may be how they make me out to be."

She laughed towards the end, mainly because it wasn't true at all. Phil and the boys made her out to be quite a bit nicer then she actually is.

Quackity laughed lightly with the girl before thinking of the best way to phrase what he wanted to say

"No, it just feels wrong knowing as much about you as i do."

"It's part of the job isn't it?"

"Yeah but i normally don't meet the people i learn about."

Carson just stared at him.

"Aren't you studying to be a defense attorney?"

The man nodded his head as confirmation

"You need a better poker face then."

She laughed slightly as she spoke.

It was true though! You can't be a lawyer and have such a bad problem with looking someone in the eye.

"What does that mean!"

Quackity said quiet loudly while laughing with Carson.

"It means you gotta lear-"

Before Carson could continue talking Phil tapped her on the shoulder. The girl looked at him confused and he just handed over his phone.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now