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It was only five minutes after she went up the stairs that Phil came up them with Ranboo tailing behind him. Carson nodded her head at the brown haired boy, basically dismissing him.

Phil looked at Carson confused and concerned, waiting for an explanation

"You didn't tell me who was coming over. You know i don't like people and i like to stay by you. This wasn't very nice."

To any other it would seem as though Carson was extremely angry. However Phil was smarter then that. He saw the way her bottom lip was shaking, how her voice was corse from trying not to cry, the way her eyes were glossed over, filled with fear.

Phil pulled the girl deeper into the hallway so no one could see them and bent down to her level.

"I'm sorry bub. You're right i should've came and got you instead of Boo, but he really wanted to come talk to you. How about i take you and introduce you to everyone?"

Carson thought about it for a second. It wouldn't be a bad thing to know the people there. There was just quite a bit of people to meet.

The girl nodded her head slightly, taking Phils hand when he offered it out. It may seem childish to hold your parents hand but Phil didn't care and he knew any bad comments would be stopped before they even reached the girl. And the ones that weren't stopped, the person would surely learn their lesson.

"How many people are here?"

Carson whispered as they walked down the stairs. She wasn't trying to be rude, she just wasn't informed.

"Other then us and Eret, Sam and Punz? Five."

The girl nodded her head. That was quite alot of people. The two walked holding hands over to two people standing in the kitchen. One had brown hair and was wearing a light blue shirt with jeans and the other had blonde hair with a red shirt and jeans on.

"Carson, this is Skeppy."

Phil pointed at the man in the blue shirt.

"And this is Bad."

He pointed to the man in the red shirt.

"Guys this is my daughter Carson."

The two men nodded and Bad slowly held his hand out for Carson to shake, which she hesitantly did.

"Hey Carson, Im Bad. How are you?"

The girl just nodded her head in response and Phil gave a look that said 'i'm sorry' before walking away and leading Carson
over to the next people

It was Sapnap, Quackity, and a man with brown hair wearing a purple hoodie with some other colors in a weird pattern Carson couldn't process.

"Carson this is Karl. Karl this is my daughter Carson."

Both Quackity and Sapnap stood there in silence while the two shook hands and chatted just a little bit before Phil and Carson moved on. Walking to the next person while still holding hands.

The next man was talking to Wilbur and Tommy. He was wearing a baseball cap and a purple shirt with blue jeans.

"This is Jack-"

Wilbur instantly cut Phil off to finish the sentence for him

"Jack Manifold!"

"Yes, Wil i was going to say that."

Wilbur nodded his head and waited for the introduction to continue

"Jack, this is my daughter Carson."

The two both nodded at each other and promptly left each other alone from there on. They didn't dislike one another, introductions were just stupidly awkward and everyone hated them.

The final person was standing with Eret. Oh good God. The last person she wanted to talk to was Eret. She didn't want to think about that right now.

The lady had bleach white hair and was just a little taller then Carson.

"Hey Eret, Puffy! This is Carson, she's my daughter."

Puffy held out her hand and Carson easily shook it, not an ounce of fear as the two started conversing. Phil and Eret going on about something else, probably Carson, in the corner.

"So, why haven't i met you before?"

Carson laughed lightly

"I just got here a few weeks ago."

Puffy stared at the girl confused for a few seconds. Not fully processing what that meant until Carson further explained

"I'm adopted."

Carson managed to say in between laughs while Puffy still stared at her, unsure is she should laugh as well or not.

Choosing the safe bet Puffy just nodded her head

"Okay, sorry, you just looked really shocked and it was funny."

Puffy also laughed when this was said but the conversation quickly went back to normal

"So.. how do you like it here then?"

Carson started drumming her hands on the table while the conversation continued.

"Its good. Better then anywhere else."

The girl continued to do random actions while talking with Puffy until her father called her over to him and Eret.

Carson nodded her head when she reached the two, seriously not wanting to discuss what was about to be talked about. The three went outside and sat down on the front porch where no one was.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt