Angry And For What?

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After 15 minutes her first check came, it wasn't like they woke her up or anything. They just peaked into her room to make sure she was okay.

When Phil went to do his first check on Carson everyone but his three boys were clearly confused. He walked over to her door and opened it just enough to see Carson lying on the bed. The girl was fast asleep with no sign of waking up anytime soon. But when he got back to the table the man was quickly bombarded with questions. However he shot them down just as swiftly as they had started

"Guys i was just checking on Carson. Its fine okay? I do it with all my kids."

"Okay.. but why?"

"Because they're all little escape rats."

Everyone laughed and nodded, the conversation quickly shifting to something else.

It had been about two hours when Phil sent Tommy to wake up Carson. He was almost finished with dinner and if the girl slept any longer she seriously wouldn't sleep tonight. Tommy walked into Carsons room quietly, if she had been Wilbur or Techno he definitely would have woke them up in some loud extravagant way.

But Tommy knew that he would get in trouble doing that to Carson. He also didn't have a death wish. Ranboo and Tubbo had wanted to dump water on Carson to wake her up, but Tommy quickly shot the idea down. Much to the boys confusion and displeasure.

"Why not! It would be funny Tommy!"

However the blonde boy just shook his head at Tubbo's whining.

"Yeah come on Tommy. Why not? No but like actually why not?"

Ranboo spoke, obviously mocking Tubbo at first but shifting to a more serious tone towards the end of his question.

"Because i don't want to get in trouble with dad and i also don't want to die."

"She wont kill us Tommy!"

Tubbo argued weakly

"Oh she absolutely will."


Both boys caved in and left Tommy to wake Carson up normally. Which is exactly what he did, however Carson was less then okay with being woken up. She always had attitude problems and the added anger issues made her more like a capped bottle of soda. Ready to explode at any moments time. Of course the family was warned of this before they adopted Carson, however they had only seen her anger pop off two or three times in the short week they'd had her. Besides Phil, who had been forced to come get her from school after a classmate said something about Tommy. Resulting in Carson getting suspended for two days.

At first it had gone alright, Carson was slightly awake and told Tommy to leave. When the blonde boy refused is when it all went awry.

"Tommy i said leave. Now."

"Ez im not supposed to leave till you come downstairs with me. Dad said."

"Well your father is a stupid prick. Now get out of my room."

However Tommy wasn't fazed by her anger at all. Wilbur had really bad anger issues too so he had gotten used to letting comments bounce off of him. Carson was different from Wilbur though. Wilbur was always all talk, but the family had already seen that Carson can quickly become blinded by her anger. Leaving her a very dangerous child, to both herself and others.

"Ezzy if i leave you know dads just gonna come in here instead."

"I don't give a damn Tommy. I said get out!"

Her voice swiftly went from quiet to a very loud yell, catching the attention of everyone in the kitchen. Including Phil who murmured a low 'god damnit' before heading off to the girl's room. Leaving the two twins to answer, well more avoid, the question of everyone.

Phil opened the door to Carsons room. Tommy, who was standing right by the door, quickly shuffled out, knowing things could go bad very fast.

"Carson, whats going on? Why are we yelling?"

"I want to sleep and your child and his friends woke me up."

"But do you need to yell?"

"It got him out of my room didn't it?"

"Yes but now im in here instead."

Carson chuckled slightly. That almost sounded like a threat. Did this man really think she is scared of him? Thats a tough bet to make, considering its a losing one.

"Oh yeah? Is that supposed to scare me Phil?"

The girl said, almost antagonistically.

"Nope. But you need to calm down, i sent Tommy in here to wake you up for dinner. Like i told you earlier?"

"I don't care! I want to fucking sleep!"

"Carson, watch your mouth. I know you want to sleep but you need to sleep tonight instead. You have that appointment tomorrow remember?"

The problem with Carsons anger was that most of the time it was undirected at any one person. She wasn't angry at Phil for sending Tommy to wake her up. She wasn't angry at Tommy for waking her up. She wasn't angry about her lack of sleep. Carson was angry yes, but her anger was seldom because of the situation she was in now. It wasn't an anger that giving her what she wanted would solve. Carson was angry at the world for what she went through as a child. And the problem with being angry at the world is that the world never gives a fuck about your anger.

"Phil i don't give a fuck about the appointment. If you don't let me sleep theres gonna be hell to pay and we both know it!"

The man sighed slightly. It was one of the few times where she wasn't going to calm down on her own. Now Phil had to resort to trying to get her to do something soothing.

"What if we go downstairs and i let you listen to music while we eat bub?"

"I dont want fucking music Phil i want to sleep!"

"What about a shower before dinner?"

"God you're so damn stupid. If i wanted to take a fucking shower i would take a shower!"

"A walk?"

At this point you could clearly hear Carsons breathing was sharp and quick. It had to of hurt to be breathing like that, but Phil couldn't help calm her breathing until he could calm her mind. The suggestion of a walk seemed to make Carson think, Phil was hopeful that she would agree.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now