Nothing Bad Will Happen To You Here

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Phil asked Techno to get the door since he was still doing Carsons hair. A couple seconds later in walked four men Carson had never seen before. At first she panicked a small bit but Phil quickly caught on and gave a look to Tommy, silently asking him to come calm Carson down.

The blonde boy left his friends, he sat down in front of Carson and picked up her hand. Gently messing around with her fingers and counting them. Carson laughed a little bit when Tommy sat down in front of her. She could hear talking going on around her but chose to only focus on Tommy and her hands. They were still pretty bruised and hurt somewhat but no where near as bad as they used to be.

Carson zoned back in when she felt Phil stop doing her hair. She looked up at the man and noticed he was talking to the other people in the room. Tommy held out his hand and gently pulled the girl up, both of them sitting down onto the couch next to their dad.

When Phil noticed Carson was now next to him, he faded out of the conversation and quietly asked if she was okay being introduced to the new people. Carson nodded her head very lightly, holding onto Tommy's hand with her left hand and her elephant with her right. Letting it dangle down off the couch slightly.

"Okay, so Quackity, Dream, George, Sapnap this is my daughter Carson. Carson this is Dream."

He pointed to the blonde man wearing a green shirt and blue jeans.

"Or you can call me Clay."

The man spoke with a accent Carson immediately identified, he sounded almost exactly like her after all.

The girl nodded her head and waited for Phil to keep telling her names to match with faces

"Thats George."

Phil pointed to a man with brown hair, wearing a tan long sleeved shirt and blue jeans.

The brown haired man just nodded at Carson

"Thats Sapnap."

He pointed at the man with a red shirt and black jeans on, he also had brown hair.

"You can also call him Nick."

The blonde man talked for the red shirt man, well Sapnap.

Carson nodded her head and looked at the black haired man wearing a blue sweatshirt and jeans.

She looked at him for a second longer before cutting off Phil

"And thats Q?"

The girl said questionably, clearly unsure if she was right or not. However when Phil and Quackity nodded their heads she let out a breath of relief. Carson stared at the door for a few seconds, she was the only girl here. Well she was the only girl there normally but now they had added four more people into the house and she was still the only girl.

Every single one of these guys doubled or even almost tripled her in height. They could do whatever if they wanted..

Calm down. Phil won't let anything happen to you.

The girl gripped the elephant plushie a little tighter as the thoughts rapidly ran through her head. She was staring at the floor trying to fix her breathing.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now