Broken Promises*

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He had her tied up and laying on the floor in the closet. Carson was scared, despite knowing what was happening it didn't soothe her any. She heard the door creak open. The man she had learned was named Jacob had come back into the room. The things he was holding were..

God what was he going to do to her? Was he finally going to kill her? He had said the other day that he was almost 'done with her'. Part of Carson would be happier if he just killed her.

Jacob sat down next to her on the floor. He put down a lighter and a candle, two packs of cigarettes, a knife and a shirt.

The first time this happened Carson had hoped that the shirt was for her to cover up with. Now she learned that she wasn't going to be that lucky.

She had gotten used to the sting of the wax. The sharpness of the cuts. But what Carson could never get used to was the terrible burn of the cigarettes. At first he did them on her back, the skin was thin. He thought it would hurt more. But now, he did them on her arms. And it hurt worse then the ones on her back did. The burns were far deeper and took longer to heal.

When Carson came back to reality both Sam and Luke were staring at her with concerned looks. She was just tracing one of the last healing burns on her arm. It was the deepest one Jacob ever did and it was right before she was brought to Phils house. All the others were fully scared over but this one had still been yet to heal.

Carson was tracing circles around it, that was until Luke lightly grabbed her hand. She looked up at the boy confused, she wasn't doing anything wrong? She was being quiet and not disturbing class and everything!


The girl asked softly while staring at the blonde haired boy.

"Your arm is getting all red and irritated."

She nodded her head and started tracing circles on Lukes hand instead. The boy didn't mind, he was just trying to keep Carson from hurting herself. Whether it was accidentally or on purpose he didn't care as long as he stopped it from happening.

Neither boy was going to attempt to get Carson to do her work for the last two classes. After everything that just happened they figured she probably needed a break.

Carson took in a deep shaky breath and looked back down at the table where her arm was, back at the burn. She could still feel it. Hell she could still hear it.

The burning sizzled. She could still feel it hours after he left. Her throat hurt from screaming, she wanted water. God it'd been so long since he had given her water.

What did she do to deserve this? She was just a kid! She never.. she never did anything to anyone. Why was this happening to her?



The girls head snapped towards Sam as she held on tightly to Lukes hand.

"Sorry.. what?"

"I asked if you were alright? You're crying."

Carson put her empty hand on her face and harshly wiped away the tears. Sam lightly grabbed her hand and stopped her from violently wiping at her face anymore.

"Stop, Carson. You're gonna hurt yourself."

"I don't care!"

The girl shouted, attracting the attention of all her classmates. Luckily there was only a few minutes left of class so when Carson got up and left before it ended there wasn't much to worry about.

Carson walked into the hallway and immediately bursted into tears, in attempt to calm her over flowing emotions she punched the brick wall. She only managed to hit it one time before Luke was holding her hand to stop her. It took a few seconds for her to calm down but when she did she just walked to her last class and sat waiting outside the door.

Once she was finally in her last class of the day she just sat silently. She didn't talk, she didn't shout, she didn't even open her eyes. Carson just sat there tracing circles into Lukes hand with her eyes closed.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now