Early Night Naps

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They got home and Carson quickly put both her stuffies in her room before running back downstairs to see Phil handing out the key chains he bought.

He handed the wolf to Tubbo, the bear to Wilbur, the turtle to Techno, the penguin to Tommy, one lion to Ranboo, one lion and the elephant to Carson, and kept the parrot for himself

"These are to keep us together and keep us safe. They each have a little tracking thing that connects to my phone and tells me where you guys are, just incase you run off or something. Also they're your guys favorite animals. Clip them on your backpacks or keychains please."

All the kids nodded their heads and went off to clip them somewhere. Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Carson put them on their backpacks while Techno and Wilbur put theirs on their keychains.

Carson came back downstairs and saw Phil in the kitchen making lunch, however she didn't feel like eating so she went into the living room and tried to take a nap.

She had almost fallen asleep when Phil came into the room and shook her slightly to which she just shrugged him off and groaned.

"Carson its lunch time. You gotta get up because we're having people over for dinner."

The girl once again groaned and turned her head towards Phil.

"Please dad! I wanna nap with my elephant. I'll even get up for dinner no problem. Swear."

Carson held out her pinkie finger. Normally Phil wouldn't want his kids sleeping when they're having guests over but as long as she got up when it was dinner time he supposed it was okay.

The man interlocked their pinkie fingers and they both kissed their thumbs, just as quickly letting go, ruffling her hair and walking back to the dining room. Carson got up and bolted to her bedroom, grabbing the elephant off her bed and running back to the couch.

It was only a few minutes later that she was fast asleep on the couch

When she woke up again everyone was in the living room watching tv and it was getting dark outside. She had also been covered with a blanket at some point. Carson looked at Phil, who was sitting on the end of the couch beside her.

She yawned as she spoke

"Who's coming over?"

Phil looked away from the television and to where Carson was on the loveseat. She quickly got up and instead laid down on the couch next to Phil, her head laying on his lap with the stuffie gently placed on the ground next to her.

The man adjusted to this like normal since the boys did it all the time. He started combing his hands through Carsons hair while he responded

"Some new people visiting from out of town."

The girl nodded her head and glanced at the television before looking over at the boys. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were on the ground quietly playing a board game while Techno and Wilbur were sitting on the other side of the couch watching whatever weird show Phil had probably put on.

"Who are the new people and whats for dinner?"

She once again yawned while speaking, definitely still tired but also wanting to hold up to her promise.

Phil looked down as he braided her hair lightly, something he had picked up from his wife. They never had a daughter but Techno used to have long hair and his wife taught Phil how to braid that. Granted Carson had much longer hair, hers goes down to her waist line while Technos only went down to his shoulders.

"Well you remember Quackity?"

"Oh yeah that Q guy."

Phil nodded his head and continued

"Him and do you remember Dream?"

She nodded

"Okay so Dream has two friends, George and Sapnap. They're visiting too."

Carson once again nodded her head

"Whats for dinner?"

Phil continued to do his second very loose braid while they talked. He had done the first one and been handed a random hair tie from Techno so he decided to do one more and then tie it into a bun.

"Uh.. Chipotle?"

He more so asked then said.

Everyone made some sort of noise of agreement and they just kept watching tv and Phil kept doing Carson's hair, eventually having her move to the floor in front of him, until they heard a knock on the front door.

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