It's Okay To Need Help.

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Phil gently put his hand on Carson's leg, trying to get her attention. However instead of gently snapping her out of her thoughts like he intended the girl harshly flinched away.

"Hey, kiddo.. whats on your mind?"

Carson looked over at Phil briefly

"I just hate this all so much."

Phil sighed and put his arm around the girls shoulder, pulling her into his side.

"I know bub. But you can pick who you stay with!"

Wilbur looked over at the two and gestured to the door. He was looking for permission to leave, not wanting to make Carson uncomfortable with him hearing things he doesn't know.

Carson and Phil both nodded and Wilbur walked out of the room

The two sat in silence for a while, Phil was waiting for Carson to speak and Carson was still trying to process what was going on in her head. But after thirty minutes of sitting there Phil spoke again

"Who do you want to stay with babe?"

There was silence again while Carson thought

"Can i stay with you please?"

"Of course you can hunny. Id love to have your company!"

Phil went back to his desk, handing Carson a TV remote first and telling her to watch whatever. She started watching some shitty paranormal show while Phil got on a minecraft server and jumped around. Carson could guess he was practicing for that event later tonight.

It was another thirty minutes before Carson got up and walked over to Phil. She stood behind him and just watched what he was doing. For some reason he was just jumping over the same set of jumps over and over again. Carson was a bit confused with his antics so she lightly tapped on his shoulder and asked what he was doing

"I'm practicing my parkour skills. The event we're in tonight has this map in it and i want to be atleast decent at it."

"Well you seem pretty okay at it dad."

Phil pulled over an empty chair and gestured for Carson to sit. Once she sat down she started paying attention to the screen again. Phil had fallen over and over at the same jump like five times in a row, making Carson laugh slightly.

"What're you laughing at?"

The man said playfully while still not taking his eyes off the screen

"That looks easy."

Phil looked at Carson and raised an eyebrow at what she said

"Yeah? Well you try it then kid."

He rolled his chair away, grabbing the side of Carson's chair and pulling her in front of the computer.

Carson had only watched people play this game before. Never actually played it. Once she finally figured out the controls and the basic premise, Carson was actually very good at the game. Phil was impressed with how quickly she understood it.

She managed to quickly complete the jump and then looked at Phil

"Told you it seemed easy."

Apparently Carson picked up video games extremely well because everything they tried after that the girl excelled at. After an hour of Phil seeing the girls impressive gaming skills he took the computer back to practice more.

"What do you want for dinner?"

Carson had hoped that he wouldn't notice the way she grimaced at the mention of food, but the way Phil paused his game and turned the chair to look at Carson fully showed she wouldn't be that lucky.

"Hey whats up?"

The girl tried as hard as she could to play ignorant

"What do you mean dad?"

Phil looked at her with a stern yet still gentle look.

"Bub i'm not going to force you to say anything but i think you've been hiding something involving you and food for a while. Im here if you'd like to talk and i'd really appreciate information on how to help you with your hesitance to eat."

"Uhm.. He didn't feed me much. I'm just not used to eating 3 meals a day yet. Makes me nauseous."

Phil knew it wasn't the whole story, probably not even close to half of it, but it was more then he had before so he would take it. Carson would say more when she felt comfortable to. For now Phil just nodded his head and the two continued talking about the best option for dinner.

"What about steak?"


Carson agreed with little enthusiasm, however compared to the zero excitement the other suggestions Phil offered this was a win in his book.

"Okay, ill have to start cooking soon. Would you like to help?"

The girl nodded her head and continued to watch Phil play the game until they had to start cooking dinner.

Once dinner was almost fully cooked Carson was sent to go get the boys. First she grabbed Wilbur and Techno because they were upstairs, then she went to the top of the basement steps and called for Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo.

All five boys were at the table and dinner was ready. Phil still needed to discuss with Carson what she wanted to do while they were streaming. Did she want to stay with Wilbur, Tommy or Tubbo? Or would she rather stay with him?

Either way this would be her first time being on the internet. Many people may link her to the articles about Jacob Banks and Phil wanted her to be ready for that to maybe be public information.

Obviously none of the articles were allowed to have her face or name in them as she was still a child, but the internet had a stupid way of working. Phil wouldn't be surprised if someone figured out how to un-blur photos and exposed Carson.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now