The Animal's Are Nice Though.

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52(Saturday Sep. 29th)

Carson was woken up to aggressive shaking the next day. She lightly pushed who she figured was Tommy off of her

"Carson! Dad said we could go to the zoo!"

The girl sat up and looked at Tommy again. She hadn't been to the zoo in a long time. Not since the Morrison's..

"Thats very cool Toms."

Carson responded quickly and then stood up and went into the kitchen, looking at the clock before she sat down. It was 9:30? Carson never woke up that late!

When she looked at Phil she noted that he was making pancakes. All the others loved pancakes but not Carson. She didn't mind them but they definitely weren't preferred.

The girl sat down and realized she was the last one up. Tommy had literally woken her up. It wasn't really a big deal it just shocked the girl slightly.

Quiet conversation was going on between Ranboo and Techno. Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo having their own, louder conversation.

After a few minutes of Carson silently listening to the boys talking, Phil put a plate stacked with pancakes down on the table. The boys immediately starting to grab them while Carson stood up and got a yogurt from the fridge instead. The seven continued eating in somewhat silence until everyone was finished and Phil started to talk about what the day would entail

"So Tommy asked to go to the zoo. Is that okay with everyone?"

There were nods from everyone at the table except for Carson, who was silently thinking the whole morning.

When she realized that she hadn't responded Carson quickly nodded her head and then Phil shuffled everyone off to get ready.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now