Staring Is Impolite

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After a few seconds she had managed to calm herself down and looked up to see everyone sitting in the dining room talking. A few were glancing at her concerned, just Phil and Quackity. Of course she knew Tommy and the others were probably also concerned but didn't want to cause an outburst. She shook her head at the thought

Carson didn't look away like expected though, she just stared at Phil until he got up and walked over to her.

The man knelt down in front of Carson and asked if she was okay.

"Mhmm. I just got freaked out, thats all."

She looked up again and Quackity was still staring at her.

"Why's he staring at me? Do i have something on my face or something?"

Phil glanced over before looking back at Carson

"I think he's just worried. He knows everything that happened to you. More then anyone else here, except you of course."

Carson nodded her head

"Lets go sit okay?"

Phil stuck out his hand for Carson to grab, which she did and then they both walked over to the dinning table. Quackity quickly looking away when they started coming over.

Carson sat in front of him and looked Quackity in the eye, tuning out all other conversation.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now