1: Operation Oneshot Kill.

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The satellite goes 7 years forward in time towards 2006, geolocates Ukraine, and shows a photo of arms-dealer, CEO of Zakhaev Arms and rebel Russian Ultranationalist Party Leader Imran Zakhaev.

A photo of SAS Operative MacMillan, ranked as Captain at that time is also shown, while SAS Operative John Price, ranked as a Lieutenant at that time narrates.

Price: I was just a Lieutenant back then... Doing wetwork.

Images of the Chernobyl disaster are shown.

Price: Chernobyl, Christmas for the bad guys. Even two decades later, a lot of them still used it to get their hands on nuclear material. Including one... Imran Zakhaev. Of course, we we're not going to let it pass. Cash for spent fuel rods? That's one hell of a recipe for destruction. It was the first time both the British Government had authorized an assasination order on someone since the end of World War II... I was under the command of then-Captain MacMillan...

The satellite tracks Lieutenant John Price in Prypiat, Ukraine.

"Operation Oneshot Kill"

Pripyat, Ukraine.
December 20th, 2006.
0843 ZULU.
[Lt. John Price]
[SAS, 22nd Regiment]

We can see Captain MacMillan proning in the glass and Lieutenant Price crouching next to him, both wearing Ghillie suits, Price takes out his suppressed M21A5 Sniper Rifle.

MacMillan: Too much radiation. We'll have to go around.

Price: Yes, sir.

They come out of the grass.

MacMillan: Follow me, and keep low. Careful...there's pockets of radiation all over this area. If you absorb too much, you're a dead man.

They move up to a shack.

MacMillan: Standby.

Two guards unaware of them are conversating.

MacMillan: Two contacts dead ahead... Take one out when the other's not looking.

Price stealthy takes one.

MacMillan: He's down.

MacMillan takes the other one.

MacMillan: Good night. Move.

Price and Mac move up to another shack by a house.

Price: Hold up. There's more cover if we go around.

MacMillan: Nice thinking, Lt.

Going around the shack, they find four Ultranationalists, playing some sort of card game inside the house.

MacMillan: Four tangos inside. Don't even think about it...

They peek around the corner.

MacMillan: Wait there. Tango by the car. Take him out quietly, or just let him pass. Your call.

Moving forward while the guard by the car is unaware, they find a lookout in a square tower, which Price takes out, they later find another guard coming from the north.

MacMillan: Beautiful. Target approaching from the north. Take him out quietly, or just let him pass. Your call.

Price takes him down.

MacMillan: Tango down. Go. Forward area clear.

Moving forward.

MacMillan: The patrol won't be coming back for a while. Now's our chance.

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