8: Camden Town Raid

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The satellite shows images of the Attack and Capture in the Al-Raab Airbase.

Price: Farah and Alex have destroyed Barkov main airbase in Urzikistan, as well as retaken the country's capital, Aqtabi... This limits the enemy air capability.

Then the satellite geolocates the UK.

Price: We need to move fast, Gaz, we've located the Al-Qatala cell responsible for the attack in Piccadilly, they're on a townhouse in Camden Town, London.

Gaz: Let's move, then!

The satellite locates SAS Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick in London, UK.

"Camden Town Raid"
London, UK.
October 27th, 2019.
0101 ZULU.
[Sgt. Kyle "Gaz" Garrick]
[SAS, 22nd Regiment]

We see Price and Gaz reaching the Cell Townhouse along with aligned Counter-Terrorist SAS Units.

They stealthy break into the house.

Price: Let's proceed with caution, night vision on.

They enable their night vision visor as they get inside with a stair through the kitchen window, which was open.

Al-Qatala Female 1: Isn't it a bit late to get tea, anyway?

They subdue a female from Al-Qatala quietly, as they move, we hear two Al-Qatala males with weapons on their table discussing about the attack.

Al-Qatala Male 1: We should have killed more!

Al-Qatala Male 2: Dude, we killed almost everyone that was there, what do you mean more?

Al-Qatala Male 1: It's all on the news! And the police spotted the ones who did it from our men!

Price: Shoot 'em up.

Gaz shots both of them with his silenced MP7.

Price: Tango down!

Some Al-Qatala people from the floors above notice despite the weapons being silenced.

Al-Qatala Male 3: Shit!

Al-Qatala Male 4: What was that?

Al-Qatala Male 3: They're here!

Moving to the next floor, Price and Gaz split to take down Al-Qatala with success.

In the next floor and before one of the members of Alpha team is hit, Gaz saves him.

In the same room, an Al-Qatala Female surrenders with her baby, who is crying while the hostile males are killed.

Price: Next one is the last floor! Let's go!

They open the door and they find another Al-Qatala Female.

Al-Qatala Female 3: They we're going to kill me, i swear...

Gaz knocks her down unconscious and Alpha team gets her outside to arrest her, he and Price find a detonator.

Gaz: Bloody fucking hell! He was gonna pick up a detonator!

Price: We did good on knocking her down! Plus, we've located The Wolf's Location!

Then they relay the info to Laswell.

To Be Continued...

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