20: Operation Wet Trade

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The satellite geolocates Shepherd's office in the Pentagon as he discusses with Laswell about what happened.

Shepherd: Iran is in possession of american missiles...

Laswell: Missiles that are now in AQ Hands...

Shepherd: Hassan has been giving our missiles like it's fucking hallowen and no one saw this?

Laswell: Gives them plausible deniality...

Shepherd: Oh! Deniality my ass... I wanna know how many they have and where they intend to use them...

Laswell: If you give me time, General, i can discover where they came from and where they intend to use them...

Shepherd: There's no time, Laswell! They will siege our people there once the morning comes in! 0-7, this is Gold Eagle, you are cleared to destroy these missiles, out.

Ghost: Roger that, out.

The satellite geolocates Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Laswell: Amsterdam...

Shepherd: What has Amsterdam to do with this?

Laswell: It's a smuggling hub, the canals are insecure and the port security is low, Iran has friends there, we've got too.

Shepherd: Who?

A photo of Price, Gaz, Arthur and Viper is shown.

Laswell: The Captain, he and another part of the team are there tracking down an Al-Qatala and OpFor cell.

Shepherd: Well, that's the only good news i've got for now... Uh... Laswell... I want Hassan enveloped in a gift box once you've got this done, until then, all yours.

Laswell then contacts Price.

Price: ETA?

Laswell: Less than an hour... Where are you now?

Price: Canals, following an AQ and OF boat about to dock.

Laswell: Does it have a container with missiles?

Price: No, but it may take us to it.

Laswell: We hope so, investigate and check out.

Price: Alright... Gaz, Viper, Arthur, you ready?

Gaz: Yes!

Arthur: Always!

Viper: Ready!

The satellite tracks Sergeant Y/N "Viper" MacTavish in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

"Operation Wet Trade"
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
October 29th, 2022.
0601 ZULU.
[Sgt. Y/N "Viper" MacTavish]
[Task Force 141, Bravo Team]

Price and Arthur are on Overwatch, while Gaz and Y/N are getting ready to take out stealthy the AQ guards as the objective boat had docked already.

Y/N: You ready, Gaz?

Gaz: I'm ready, Viper!

Y/N: Let's pull this out, then!

Price gives Gaz some throwable knives, same does Arthur with Y/N.

They submerge on the water and kill all the OpFor and Al-Qatala guards with the throwable knives silently.

Y/N: All Clear!

The 4 pick up some Silenced P226 from the killed guards.

They meet back in the outdoors of the boat, where they hear some Latin American Spanish voices.

Arthur: You guys hear that?

Price: Latinos... Could probably be a cartel...

Gaz: Let's check it out...

Y/N opens the door and kills all of them, Price looks at one of his tattoos.

Price: Laswell, Al-Qatala and OpFor are allied with a Cartel.

Laswell: Give me a name, John.

Price: Las Almas.

Laswell: Hassan working with Narcos, huh?

Price: Standby...

Y/N moves forward with Arthur and finds something in one of their phones.

Y/N: I've found something.

Viper gives it to Price after checking his watch just to see it was 0700.

Y/N: Cartel's meeting in about an hour.

Price: Laswell, find Cafe Gracht, something's about to go down.

Laswell: When?

Price: One hour.

An hour later...
0808 ZULU.

We see Price and Gaz sitting in the Cafe Gracht, near two VIP's, one from Las Almas, one from AQ and OF.

Price: Watcher, this is Bravo 0-6, we're sitting in Cafe Gracht, we've got two VIP's, one from Cartel and one from AQ.

Laswell: Copy that, 0-6, Security?

Gaz: Many guards, it's not going to be an easy task.

Viper and Artoria approach the bridge, before Laswell stops them and gives them a syringe to each with non-lethal poison.

Y/N: Syringe?

Laswell: Non-lethal poison, will take them out of service.

Y/N and Arthur: CIA Shit...

Laswell grins.

Laswell: Welcome to my world, i guess... Let's do this stealthy. 0-6, SITREP?

Price: They're talking when they're going to move and they're paying the cartel for something.

Laswell: Let me guess... Bizum?

Price: Affirmative.

As two guards separate themselves, Viper takes one down.

Y/N: Go to sleep!

And Artoria takes the other one.

Arthur: Sweet dreams!

Price: We've got something to distract the guards, 2-6, get yourselves here.

Arthur: Copy that, we're Oscar Mike.

Both Arthur and Y/N get towards Price and Gaz position, Gaz and Price gives them both a decoy grenade.

Gaz: Use it on the trash cans in the alley there.

They nod and use it on two trash cans.

As it explodes, Civilians flee while a Cartel Guard approaches them both and points them with a G18.

Cartel Guard: ¡Arriba Las Manos! (Put Your Hands up!)

However, Y/N knocks him down and they secure the Cartel VIP to later interrogate him after a little gunfight with the Cartel.

To Be Continued...

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