12: Operation Into The Furnace

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The satellite geolocates Georgia and shows pictures of Barkov Gas Factory in the outskirts of Borjomi in the Central-South of the country.

Laswell: General Roman Barkov has been tracked down to his Gas Factory in Borjomi, Georgia... We believe he may be holed up inside.

Alex team is shown.

Laswell: Alex Keller along with an USMC Team will infil and set explosive charges around the factory.

Farah team is also shown.

Laswell: In the meanwhile, Farah and an ULF Team will search and kill the General while holding the remote detonator of the charges, both teams are cleared to engage the General's rogue mercs, UAV Support will help track down Barkov if he attempts to escape as well as for air support.

The satellite geolocates ULF Commander Farah Karim in Borjomi, Georgia.

Borjomi, Georgia.
November 3rd, 2019.
1443 ZULU.
[Cmdr. Farah Karim]
[Urzikistan Liberation Force/CIA, Special Activities Division]

As Alex and Farah begin their assault to the factory, A MQ-1 Predator UAV gets to the area.

US UAV Operator: Echo 3-1, Predator UAV is online with Recon Flyover and Cruise Missiles standing by.

Alex: Roger, we're on our way to assault the factory, out.

US UAV Operator: Kilo 0-1, you've got remote control over the missiles, just mark your targets.

Farah: Solid copy, out.

Overcoming fierce resistance from Barkov Forces, General Roman Barkov attempts to escape as he orders his mercs to kill the intruders.

Barkov: убить их всех! (Kill them all!)

Alex: Go for him, Farah! I'll setup the charges meanwhile!

However, as he attempts to escape, Farah manages to corner him herself in a room.

Barkov: What? Karim? I should have known! This militia you call an army followed you to their graves, Karim. Sneaking into places you don't belong! You will never be anything more than a stowaway, Farah! 

He shoots at Farah but misses all his six rounds and reloads.

Barkov: Argh! What imbecile issues a pistol with only six fucking rounds?!

Farah: Don't they let you carry a bigger gun, General?

Barkov: I don't need a bigger gun to kill a tiny rat. You came to take what's mine but all you will take now is your last breath. Nothing and no one will stop me from defending my country! Trapped and cornered, like the filthy fucking rat you are...

He shoots at her again but misses again as well.

Barkov: Fucking piece of shit!

As he gets out of ammo, he takes out her knife, but Farah avoids him and steals his knife, eventually stabbing him again and again.

Farah This is for my family!

Barkov: I told you, Farah, a long time ago, your country breeds terrorists...that's why you're here. Do you see it now? I was trying to protect Russia... I was trying to stop this...now I see- I should have done more...

Barkov dies.

Laswell: Farah, what's your status?

Farah: Laswell, Barkov is dead. Echo 3-1, this is Kilo 0-1, interrogative: you've got the charges ready? Over!

Alex: Kilo 0-1, this is Echo 3-1, affirmative, i'm outside already with the charges planted, break, Nikolai is waiting for you at the factory's heliport, get there and detonate the C4 Explosives, out.

Farah: Roger that 3-1, out.

Farah gets inside Nikolai's MH-6 Little Bird and detonates the charges, blowing up the factory and destroying it as he gets away of it to reunite with Alex and the others.

To Be Continued...

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