17: Operation Rapid Sunder

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Following Task Force 141 Operations against Al-Qatala and OpFor in Verdansk, Kastovia, the terrorists network was crippled and both retreated, however, Victor Zakhaev was still in the city as he had won enough time to hide somewhere in the city for his plans.

With the help of Nikolai, Farah, Hadir and Alex, who linked up with Viper, Arthur and Ghost, they searched for him.

Eventually linking up with the rest of 141, they tracked him down succesfully 6 months later in December 2020, in a silo in Verdansk outskirts.

The satellite tracks Sergeant Y/N "Viper" MacTavish in Verdansk, Kastovia.

Verdansk, Kastovia.
December 12th, 2020.
1236 ZULU.
[Sgt. Y/N "Viper" MacTavish]
[Task Force 141, Bravo Team]

Y/N: Got a visual on the silo, 200 meters, it seems unprotected from here.

Price: Let's get closer so we can see it.

Y/N: Roger.

The convoy, leaded by Price arrives at the silo.

Entering storming to kill Victor Zakhaev and facing armed Ultranationalists, they later divide themselves as there's an ICBM intended to head towards Washington DC.

Griggs: I'll go with my team and disarm the ICBM, Farah, Alex, Hadir, cover us. You guys go for Zakhaev.

Ghost: Roger, Griggs.

Price: Let's move!

They find Zakhaev in the upper floor of the silo and surround him.

Price: Well, well, well... Victor Zakhaev... You're as dead as your father.

Victor: If you kill me, things will go worse on both sides... I just wanted to follow the wishes of my father, i regret nothing of what i've done.

Price and Viper hang him off with a rope.

Price: We won't kill you, but the fall will!

And drops him off the silo, killing him indirectly through fatal fall.

Griggs: We've disarmed the ICBM succesfully, Price, how's the things up there?

Price: Victor Zakhaev is dead, Griggs, let's get out of here.

Griggs: Good! Let's move!

Getting out from the building, they look at Verdansk city in the distance.

Y/N: Well, it's over on here, for now...

Price: Yeah!

Soap: For being our first objectives, we did pretty well!

Ghost: Right!

Roach: Indeed!

Arthur: I know!

To Be Continued...

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