7: Battle Of Aqtabi.

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The satellite shows footage of the Piccadilly Circus Terror Attack by Al-Qatala, which has left over 74 dead civilians.

News Reporter: At 6:27 PM, a Terrorist Attack was carried out by Al-Qatala terrorists in Piccadilly Circus, London... According to authorities, around 74 dead have been confirmed excluding the perpetrators.

We hear Price and Gaz discussing about the attack.

Price: Still, atleast you saved lives, Sergeant.

Gaz: It shouldn't have happened in the first place, sir. They sent us in half-assed, so everyone can just keep pretending we're not at war.

Price: Yeah, lie of the fucking century.

Gaz: Then why have we got our hands tied? Let's just take the bloody gloves off and fight...

Gaz Sighs.

Gaz: Sir...

Price: Go on, tell me.

Gaz: We don't stand a chance in hell with these rules of engagement, Captain. They can tell us where, they can tell us when... but don't tell us how. My men were tracking that cell for weeks.

Price: You had actionable intel on this?

Gaz: Quite a bit, sir.

Price: Then you're coming even more with me.

The satellite then geolocates Urzikistan, which half of it is under control of Farah's ULF.

The capital, Aqtabi, occupied by the Russians, is seen on image while Laswell talks with Price.

Laswell: Al-Qatala is claiming responsability.

Price: On orders from The Wolf in Urzikistan.

Laswell: Alex is on the ground there, looking for the stolen chems.

Price: Well, you'll need the Liberation Force on his side, so have him contact the CO.

Laswell: You know Commander Karim?

Price: I do, we're acquainted, tell him to use my name, unless he wants to kill himself.

We then see Farah and Alex talking to each other.

Farah: What is your message from Captain Price?

Alex: Commander Karim, Alex Keller.

Farah: I'm listening to you, Alex.

Alex: This is classified... Forty-eight hours ago, terrorists stole a shipment of Russian gas.

Farah: Only either Al-Qatala or OpFor would do this.

Alex: The Russians make no distinction between Al-Qatala, OpFor and your people.

Farah: And we make no distinction between Al-Qatala, OpFor and the Russians...

Alex: Then please help us track it, before they...

Farah: They what? Launch them in Europe or America?

Alex: Kind of, because it would make it worse globally.

Farah: I see... Let's go then.

The satellite tracks CIA Operations Officer Alex Keller, embedded into the ULF, on Aqtabi, Urzikistan.

"Battle Of Aqtabi"
Aqtabi, Urzikistan.
October 26th, 2019.
1533 ZULU.
[OO. Alex Keller]
[CIA, Special Activities Division/Urzikistan Liberation Force]

We see that Alex is given an AK-47 by Farah, while her brother Hadir gives him some explosives.

They later reach a ULF Safehouse owned by Tariq, an ULF associate and the uncle of Farah and Hadir.

Farah: Uncle Tariq.

Tariq: Oh, hey, my nieces... You need disguises, for the operation, right? And who are you with?

Hadir: Exactly... Alex, present yourself.

Alex: Yes, my name is Alex Keller, i'm a CIA SAD Operations Official, but i've been embedded into the ULF by orders of my superiors, you can trust me.

Tariq: Alright, follow me!

They follow Tariq, who gives them workers disguises for the operation.

Tariq: Barkov forces are all over the place, remember, they wont hesitate on shooting you.

Alex: Roger.

They move forward and start the operation to retake the capital.

Alex first plants a distraction with the explosives Hadir gave him, with complete success.

Hadir: Nicely done!

Farah: We've got a window! Let's move!

They attack the capital, pushing them through and breaking behind enemy lines as they hear a speech from General Roman Barkov through loudspeaker.

Noticing them, Barkov sends helicopters, but they're destroyed by Alex's explosives.

Farah: Nicely done!

Forcing them to retreat.

Alex: Now what?

Farah: There's an airbase nearby, i suggest attacking it unless we want them to take it back.

Alex: Let's get going, then.

To Be Continued...

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