26: Operation Dark Water

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The satellite shows Footage of Valeria's Interrogation at the hands of Graves, Alejandro, Rudy, Chuy, Roach, Ghost and Soap.

Graves: Have a seat.

Valeria sits in a chair.

Graves: Alright, how do you both know each other?

Vargas: We used to serve together, same unit, different squads.

Valeria: My squad was actually clean cut.

Vargas: Until the raid on the son of La Araña... You kept out his enforcers, because you were his enforcers, huh?

Valeria: He was escorted to the mountains without incident.

Rudy:  He was supposed to go to prison.

Roach: So, you killed him and you took over...

Valeria: I created a power vacuum... And I filled it.

Chuy: Yeah, but still, you disgraced the army, and betrayed those others on your team, like myself...

Chuy sheds a tear, Soap comforts him.

Soap: Why're you doin' this?

Ghost: You're a narco, harboring a terrorist... Why?

Valeria: Terrorism is good for business. It's insurance.

Everyone excepts Valeria raises an eyebrow.

Valeria: As long as there is a war on terror, there will be no real war on drugs. To find your so-called terrorist, and your missiles, you need me.

Soap: Time to tell the truth then.

Graves then leans in to Valeria.

Graves: I want the missiles, targets and Hassan... You've got ten seconds, or i'll show you the difference between the military and me. Clear?

Valeria nods, images of the Oil-rig are shown by Satellite.

Valeria: I'll tell you where they are missile by missile... The first one is on an abandoned Oil-rig in the Gulf Of Mexico, off the Coast of Las Almas, it's target is New Orleans... Now leave before it's too late

Graves: Until then you're staying here...

The satellite geolocates the Abandoned Oil-Rig in the Gulf Of Mexico, along with images of the Oil-rig and a Ship with the Missile Container, before tracking Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson in the Gulf Of Mexico.

"Operation Dark Water"
Gulf Of Mexico.
November 2nd, 2022.
1711 ZULU.
[Sgt. Gary "Roach" Sanderson]
[Task Force 141, Bravo Team]

We see three boats, one leaded by Alejandro, Rudy and Chuy, another leaded by Soap, Ghost and Roach, and the remaining one by Graves and two shadows, approaching a rig and ship.

Soap: Got eyes on the rig...

Graves:  All right! That's our target.

Ghost: All stations, ship is visual.

Graves:  Copy, prep for assault. Stay on comms. If Valeria told the truth, we board, clear, disarm that missile.

They reach the oil rig and climb with some grappling hooks towards it, killing two AQ Soldiers after infil.

Moving through the main deck, reaching the helipad, engaging Al-Qatala in the meanwhile, Roach spots the missile, nestled on a helipad. A flare shoots up in the sky.

Ghost: Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7, visual on flares coming from the rig. What's your status, over?

Roach: 0-7, this is 0-9, they're signaling the ship! They're gonna launch the missile!

Graves: It's first stage! There's still time! All Shadows, all Shadows, missile is on the helipad!

They move up some stairs to the upper level, as they get towards the missile, the oilrig containers start to move due to the Category 2 Hurricane in the area.

Roach: We're shifting! Watch the containers!

They down any AQ sign on their way and get to the missile GPS control in the oil rig.

Roach manages to disarm the missile once launched and successfully redirects it to destroy the ship before it crashes into the oilrig.

Later at night...

We see Vargas, Soap, Roach, Ghost, Rudy and Chuy waiting in the Los Vaqueros HQ in Las Almas.

Two shadows are standing in the entrance as Graves goes out, he walks to them.

Graves: This is the immediate future. Step away from the gate.

Vargas: What? This is my base!

Graves: It's not a base. This is a sizable covert facility and I admire it- So, I'm taking it. You boys have been relieved. Thank you for your service.

Task Force 141 members are shocked but giving a glare to Graves.

Ghost: Are you threatening us?

Graves: Soldier, I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So, let's not do this.

Soap walks away a moment to try to take his own phone.

Soap: I'm calling Shepherd!

Graves: General Shepherd sends his regards.

Soap stops and looks shocked at Graves, just like everyone, even the Shadows are confused about Graves.

Graves: He told me that you all won't take this well

Ghost: He knows about this?

Graves: He's put me in command of this operation from here on out. So, y'all need to stand down. It's time to let the pros finish this.

Vargas: And who the fuck do you think you are, cabron? The rest of my men are inside!

Graves: I'm afraid i'm not, they've been detained.

Vargas glares at Graves, but before they can do anything, Shadow Company start chasing them through the streets, they manage to find a temporal hiding in the city, but in the meanwhile, Shadow Company separates many people from their families war-criminal style.

Soap and Roach meet up at a church after Ghost, Rudy, Vargas and Chuy secured a vehicle.

Taken to a backup HQ from Los Vaqueros in Las Almas, they ask themselves what they're going to do.

Roach: What are we going to do?

Just then, someone is heard entering the base.

Chuy: ¿Quien anda ahi? (Who's there?)

Claps are heard while Price, Gaz, Viper and Arthur reach them.

Soap: Brother!

Soap hugs his brother, Viper, same does Artoria.

Price then appraoches Alejandro.

Price: Is everything okay, Colonel? We've heard of the betrayal!

Alejandro: Yeah, but my men are detained! What are we going to do, Price?

Rudy then remembers something.

Rudy: I know a prison in Las Almas which was formerly occupied by the cartel, maybe our men are there, Colonel!

Alejandro remembers the same as well.

Alejandro: Good thinking, Rudy!

Chuy: Let's prepare ourselves then for a prison break, shall we?

Alejandro: Yeah.

To Be Continued...

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