16: Operation Crosswind

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Verdansk International Airport.
Verdansk, Kastovia.
March 11th, 2020.
1445 ZULU.
[Sgt. Johnny "Soap" MacTavish]
[Task Force 141, Bravo Team]

Using the intel from Dr. Linda Morales, Price, Gaz and Soap are sent to infiltrate the Occupied Verdansk Airport.

Gaz: All Bravo Units, this is Bravo 0-5, radio check, over.

Price: This is 0-6, solid copy, over.

Soap: This is 7-1, roger, over.

They move forward to the airport as they storm the airport.

Deactivating a comms array, impeding AQ Call for reinforcements, in both the rooftop and main terminal.

Price: Let's move to the plane!

They infil the hijacked plane, shooting their way to the nuclear core to retrieve it.

Soap: Got the Nuclear Core.

Gaz: Good! Prepare your chute!

Retrieving it, they jump out of the plane with the nuclear core and land into the LZ, where exfil was waiting.

Hammer 2-1: Bravo 7-1, this is Hammer 2-1, we're at the LZ, get yourselves here ASAP.

They get inside the helo and move up for exfil.

To Be Continued...

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