25: Operation El Sin Nombre

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The satellite geolocates Las Almas, Mexico and shows an image of a House from a Las Almas Cartel Lieutenant in the area.

Soap: So, this is the house of El Sin Nombre?

Vargas: No, one of his Lugartenientes.

Soap: So, it's from a Cartel Lieutenant.

An image of Cartel Lieutenant Diego Salgado is shown.

Vargas: Orale, guey, estas aprendiendo (Nice, brother, You're learning)

Graves: What's the meeting about and who's in?

Vargas: According to my sources, the meeting will include all the VIPs in the Cartel, some others are either invited or volunt-told. It's about us, Las Almas is burning and they want to know who lit the fire.

Ghost: Sin Nombre will be there, yeah?

Vargas: No guarantees, but it's our best shot.

Graves: I've got enough Shadows to take over a country like this, so a house shouldn't be a problem.

Roach: We need El Sin Nombre alive.

Graves: In that case, we'll need to meet him.

Soap: How?

Graves: Give 'em what they want... Intel. They wanna know who's here. Let's tell 'em.

Vargas: In person?

Graves: Correcto, Get one of us inside, find the boss... roll him up.

Soap: I'll do it!

Vargas: I've got an idea to do that! I'll disguise myself as a guard from the Cartel!

Soap: Good!

Roach: Ghost and I will take Overwatch, Shadows will encircle the target with a Helo.

Graves: Roger that. They are going to want proof...

A logo of Shadow Company is shown.

Graves: Show 'em this, Soap.

Soap: Copy.

Graves: Call me when you need me. Alright, let's gear up and get after it.

The satellite geolocates Sergeant Johnny "Soap" MacTavish in Las Almas, Mexico.

"Operation El Sin Nombre."
Las Almas, Mexico.
November 1st, 2022.
2311 ZULU.
[Sgt. Johnny "Soap" MacTavish]
[Task Force 141, Bravo Team]

Soap is taken inside by Alejandro, who is disguised as a Las Almas Cartel Guard.

The guards in the entrance notice Soap but don't suspect about Alejandro's disguise.

Las Almas Guard 1: ¿Quien es el, hermano? (Who is he, brother?)

Vargas: Tiene informacion sobre lo que ocurrio el otro dia en nuestras instalaciones. (He has intel about what happened the other day on our instalations)

Las Almas Guard 2: Llevelo a dentro, informare al Lugarteniente. (Take him in, i'll inform the Lieutenant)

Vargas nods and takes Soap inside, on the elevator, he whispers Soap to tell all the truth.

Soap nods determined at Vargas, just when the door opens, revealing Diego Salgado, who smiles and chuckles at Soap.

Diego: ¿Es este? (This is him?)

Vargas: Si, señor. (Yes, sir!)

Diego: You got a name, hawk?

Soap nods.

Soap: They call me Soap.

Diego laughs a bit.

Diego: ¿Quien puto vergas se llama Jabon? (What the fuck kind of name is Soap?) Let's go.

Soap: I want to see El Sin Nombre.

Diego: Que quiere ver al jefe. (He wants to see the boss)

Diego nods.

Diego: Follow me, guero.

Alejandro shoves Soap to follow Diego.

Diego: Wait for me here.

Diego goes inside to inform about Soap, before going back out.

Diego: Llevelo adentro. (Get him inside.)

Alejandro takes Soap inside, the latter sits in one of the chairs while a sicaria is torturing their corrupt informants of the Mexican Army.

Valeria: ¿Cual es tu nombre, gringo? (What's your name, gringo?)

Soap: They call me Soap.

Valeria chuckles trying not to laugh.

Valeria: ¿Jabon? ¡No mames! (Soap? No shit!)

Valeria directs himself to one of the corrupt informants.

Valeria: Nuñez, who attacked our installations that day?

Nuñez: It was the rival cartel...

Soap shakes his head.

Soap: It wasn't the rival cartels, it was Mexican Special Forces with the help of an American PMC called Shadow Company.

Valeria: ¿Los Vaqueros colaborando con Mercenarios? (Los Vaqueros co-operating with Mercs?)

Diego: ¡Pinches viboras! (Fucking Vipers!)

Valeria: Who's the leader of Shadow Company? Give me a name!

Soap nods.

Soap: Phillip Graves.

Diego smiles.

Diego: Fill Graves... Llenar tumbas... I like it!

Valeria nods back at Soap.

Valeria: Any proof Shadow Company exists?

Soap nods and points at his right pocket.

Soap: ¡Revise mi bolsillo! (Check my pocket!)

Valeria checks Soap's right pocket, finding the logo of Shadow Company.

Valeria: Good boy! Now, this guy, Graves... What does he want?

Soap: He wants your leader, El Sin Nombre, as well as the Iranian, Hassan Zyani and the Missiles he's moving.

Valeria nods, Nuñez begs for mercy, but he's killed by Valeria and Diego.

Valeria: Alright, you can go now!

Alejandro, still disguised, takes Soap out, shortly after, Shadow Company as well as Ghost, Rudy and Roach raid the house, Alejandro takes out his disguise while a Shadow arrests Valeria and takes her into a chopper.

Alejandro looks serious.

Soap: What's wrong, Alejandro.

Vargas: Valeria... I know her.

To Be Continued...

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