14: Operation Kuvalda

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Arklov Peak Military Base.
Verdansk, Kastovia.
March 9th, 2020.
1340 ZULU.
[Sgt. Y/N "Viper" MacTavish]
[Task Force 141, Bravo Team]

We see Y/N, now a Task Force 141 member, along with Artoria, approaching a military base in East Verdansk occupied by Al-Qatala and where Almalik was located.

Laswell: Bravo 7-2, this is Watcher, Predator UAV is online for recon flight, you're cleared to engage any potential targets in the military base, over.

Y/N: Roger, Watcher, we're on our way to start the assault, out.

Laswell: Copy that, out.

Arthur: Ready, darling?

Y/N: Always ready! Let's do this!

They approach into the military base and storm it, attacking Al-Qatala and OpFor troops in the entrance and the warehouses in the military base.

At the same time, they find Almalik, who was caught in an exchange to resupply both Al-Qatala and Opfor, they kill him before he can flee.

Arthur: Watcher, this is Bravo 2-6, Almalik's down, mission accomplished, over.

Laswell: Roger, 2-6, get out of there ASAP, stealth bombers are on their way as AQ and OF fighters arrive at your AO, over.

Arthur: Roger, 2-6 out.

They move out and get out safely with a Buggy, with Viper being on the driver seat and Arthur on the turret as stealth bombers bomb the airbase, killing the hostile reinforcements.

To Be Continued...

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