Chapter 10: House Party: Part 2

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"You look great tonight."

Wednesday frowned as response to Enid's comment.
Personally she's never used or understood makeup, along with styling ones own hair. Never needed too since her natural beauty was fine as it was, However, much begging and desperate attempts from her roommate was getting out of hand. And so she did allow herself to straighten her hair, and apply makeup. Also didn't help how Thing even betrayed her and convinced her to this torture.

She still would had rather jumped into a pit of venomous snakes or perhaps lay down in a hill of fire ants, as they would bite into her flesh and give her a slow agonizing death.

But, here she sat in the passenger seat of Enid's compact car, looking out the window as the sight of trees and lights becoming into blur vision. Though, she was told it was casual dress code, an Addams never did such thing. Whenever invited to a party they dressed fitting and properly, and so she did.

Wearing a black slim dress that was longer than herself, adorning black dress heels, and to top it off was the headpiece she wore over, it was unique

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Wearing a black slim dress that was longer than herself, adorning black dress heels, and to top it off was the headpiece she wore over, it was unique.

"You look like a politician, ready to give a speech about death and suffering."


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"Um....?" Enid looked over at Wednesday from the driver's seat of the car. "Thanks? I'll take it as a compliment"

"Or take it as a warning," Wednesday monotones, "Your bright,"

Enid confusingly eyed her roommate, "Wait are you also like one of those Palm readers?"

"Eyes on the road," Wednesday scolded her. "It was a joke. And unfortunately I don't have that sub ability...yet. If I did then I would eliminate any person that would be an annoyance in my growing future, taking care of the trash before it piles up."

"Jesus, Wends I do not need to know that," Enid whined.

"Don't be afraid....," Wednesday retorted. "Your one of very few....that might live."

Enid looked over, "Huh?"

"Just shut up and drive,"

House Party

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