Chapter 40: Afraid Of The Dark

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Avery's desperate descent down the slopes of the crimson mountain resembled a gruesome nightmare, each impact against the unforgiving ground produced eerie crunches and bone-breaking cracks that echoed in the eerie silence

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Avery's desperate descent down the slopes of the crimson mountain resembled a gruesome nightmare, each impact against the unforgiving ground produced eerie crunches and bone-breaking cracks that echoed in the eerie silence.

At last, Avery crashed into the bottom with a jarring thud, unleashing a billowing cloud of dust and sand that concealed her presence. Coughing up mouthfuls of grit, her stinging eyes surveyed the landscape. Her usual mental refuge stood before her, but the blazing sun above turned it into an infernal sphere, setting the sand ablaze. Her hand recoiled in pain as her skin sizzled upon contact with the scorching ground. The searing agony spread to her feet, forcing her to hop frantically from one foot to the other in a macabre dance of pain.

The vast expanse of red sand around her transformed into a scalding trap. Beads of sweat mixed with fear dripped down her body. Desperation compelled her to flee, but the escalating heat waves grew even more intense. With each step, her feet bore the brunt of the scorching assault, the skin at the soles of her feet melting and sizzling like a sinister melody of torment.

"Damn it!" Avery's agonized groan blended with the sizzling sands. Every step felt like a torturous march across red-hot embers. She cast desperate glances left and right, until her eyes locked onto a distant structure. As she strained her eyes, it became evident – a cave? A massive hill harboring an enigmatic opening, a potential sanctuary?

"To hell with it!" Battling through the treacherous sand was excruciating, but Avery sprinted with every ounce of her willpower, reaching the entrance and tumbling inside

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"To hell with it!" Battling through the treacherous sand was excruciating, but Avery sprinted with every ounce of her willpower, reaching the entrance and tumbling inside. Her body rolled across the cold ground, and an instant relief washed over her as the biting cold surrounded her.

Glancing back, her eyes widened in disbelief—the cave entrance had vanished. Panic surged as Avery struggled to her feet, attempting to retrace her steps only to encounter the unyielding wall of jagged rocks. The cave expanded endlessly, its sinister magnitude consuming her.

"What the hell is happening—"

"You tell me," a voice whispered beside her. Avery's gaze snapped to the source, and relief flickered as she saw Ave, hunched against the cave wall, a pained expression on her face.

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