Chapter 44: Mental Tragedies Part-3

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"This is fucking bullshit!" Lilith's voice pierced the air in the back of the armored truck, her arms tightly crossed as her foot tapped an erratic beat against the metal flooring, the sound reverberating with the force that shook the very foundations of her sanity and mostly the vehicle.

"This is fucking bullshit!" Lilith's voice pierced the air in the back of the armored truck, her arms tightly crossed as her foot tapped an erratic beat against the metal flooring, the sound reverberating with the force that shook the very foundat...

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"Treated like a damn child," Lilith's black veins writhed along her neck in a sinister dance, pulsing with an otherworldly energy that threatened to burst through her skin in a fiery eruption.

"Enough with the pathetic whining! None of us are happy with this damn situation," Larissa snapped, her eyes narrowing as she glared at her niece, a mix of irritation and desperation flickering in their depths, a recognition of the darkness seeping from Lilith's being along with her own bubbling rage of being so helpless.

Lilith's gaze snapped to Larissa, her eyes ablaze with a madness that sent shivers down the spines of those around her such as Maki, Yoko and even Yuri who felt on edge feeling the ominous sensation crawls its way around in suffocating waves. Before she could unleash her inner turmoil, Judith's firm grip restrained her, "Stop," Judith's voice wavered, "Listen, us arguing like chickens with our heads sliced off isn't going to help," her focus strained from helping Morticia tend to Hiroyuki and Hana, the raven women frown deepening with frustration as she too couldn't do much either, having her daughter out there dealing with Hell itself. Was exciting and yet her motherly instincts worried so deeply.

"Yeah, but sitting here and not doing anything is even more pointless," Lilith seethed under her breath, her gaze drifting towards Hana then towards Hiroyuki, the aged wounded vampire weakly breathing with swollen shut eyes.

"Plus, having extra baggage doesn't help either," Lilith continued, her tone dripping with disdain. A low growl rumbled from Maki's throat, her narrowed violet eyes fixated on Lilith, a snarl replacing her expression.

 A low growl rumbled from Maki's throat, her narrowed violet eyes fixated on Lilith, a snarl replacing her expression

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"Excuse me?" Maki's voice was sharp, her patience wearing thin. "Say another word, Bitch!" She flashed her fangs.

Before Lilith could respond, Morticia's commanding voice cut through the tension like a knife. "Enough!" Her voice echoed in the cramped space of the truck, silencing the bickering instantly. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the urgency of their situation.

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