Chapter 27: Different? I've Never Felt Better: Part 4

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Every step reverberated through the icy confines of the freezer, creating a cacophonous echo that hung in the air like a haunting melody. Scarlet swiftly repositioned herself, assuming an orthodox fighting stance. Her knees bent slightly, grounding her in readiness, while her arms assumed a defensive posture, primed to strike with lightning speed if the need arose.

 Her knees bent slightly, grounding her in readiness, while her arms assumed a defensive posture, primed to strike with lightning speed if the need arose

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Within the chilling darkness, Scarlet's gaze fixated on the approaching figure of Avery. The girl's laughter, tinged with madness, pierced the stillness of the frozen air. Avery's eyes, consumed by abyssal darkness, mirrored the swirling black veins that danced ominously over her exposed, bare body.

Scarlet fought the impulse to avert her eyes from the disturbing sight of the swinging cock, knowing that succumbing to that distraction would leave her vulnerable, her guard compromised.

"Took you long enough to find me... though it was easier to throw you off my scent than I thought," Ave's voice rang out, accompanied by a mischievous giggle, as she emerged fully illuminated by the feeble overhead light that struggled to penetrate the freezer's gloom.

Scarlet's face contorted with strain, her gaze searing into Ave's form. Her voice brimmed with a resolute firmness. "What the hell! Avery, do you realize what you have done—"

"...yeah... I planned it. Duh," Ave shrugged nonchalantly, a grin playing on her lips. "It was much easier than I thought. All I had to do was get her practically drunk on blood, and, well, you can picture the rest." Her words whispered at the end, punctuated by a mischievous wink.

A surge of disbelief and anger surged through Scarlet, causing her chest to constrict with each labored breath. The girl's callousness and lack of remorse for the cruel actions she had committed weighed heavily on her conscience.


"Stop! Calling me that! It's Ave—" Her voice rose sharply, interrupting Scarlet's words.

"Since when?! Huh! When the fuck has it been that! You've always been Avery since I—" Scarlet's voice crackled with intensity, interjected with frustration.

Ave stepped forward, a gesture that sent a ripple of tension coursing through Scarlet's body. "Since when? Since you abandoned me as well, huh? Since you turned a blind eye when I needed help! When that bitch of the devil that y'all call my mother took her FRUSTRATIONS OUT ON ME!" Avery's words lashed out, dripping with venomous malice.

Scarlet remained resolute, refusing to lower her defensive stance.

"That's not my fault, and you know that," Scarlet uttered, her voice measured and steady amidst the storm of emotions.

"Really... well, I guess you're a fucking saint—" In the blink of an eye, Ave vanished, her form dissipating into the ether. Sensing an impending threat from behind, Scarlet reacted with reflexive agility, deftly ducking under a flying kick. She gracefully sidestepped another vicious kick, swiftly followed by yet another, and skillfully parried a forceful fist strike.

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