Chapter 25: Different? I've Never Felt Better: Part 2

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Larissa sped down the road, the engine of her car roaring with urgency. Scarlet and Sam held on tightly in the backseat as they raced towards the scene of chaos. Ignoring red lights and stop signs, Larissa pushed the speedometer to its limits, reaching 130 mph.

As they approached the hospital, their hearts sank at the sight before them. The once bustling building was now engulfed in a raging inferno, flames dancing and devouring everything in their path.

 The once bustling building was now engulfed in a raging inferno, flames dancing and devouring everything in their path

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Larissa slowed down and swerved to the side of the road, joining the other cars that had come to a halt in fear. Panic filled the air as a mass of people ran in every direction, their cries mixing with the crackling of the flames.

Without hesitation, Larissa jumped out of the car and ran towards the chaos, her mind consumed by worry for her niece. Scarlet called out after her, desperately pleading for her to wait, but Larissa's determination propelled her forward.

"Fuck, Sam, take the car and pull it somewhere safe," Scarlet instructed, her voice filled with concern. "Please wait in the car."

Sam nodded, her eyes wide with trepidation. "Be careful, both of you," she urged before sliding into the driver's seat and finding a safer spot away from the raging fire.

The heat was oppressive as Larissa approached the burning hospital, firefighters battling the inferno with all their might. Police officers struggled to maintain order amidst the chaos, while paramedics did their best to offer aid to the injured.

Larissa's frantic gaze darted in all directions, searching desperately for any sign of Avery. The cacophony of voices filled the air as people cried out for their loved ones, blending into an indistinguishable chorus of anguish.

 The cacophony of voices filled the air as people cried out for their loved ones, blending into an indistinguishable chorus of anguish

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"Avery!" Larissa's voice cracked as she screamed her niece's name, her heart pounding with fear. "Avery!"

But amidst the chaos, her voice seemed to get lost in the sea of desperate pleas.

Finally, Scarlet caught up to Larissa, gripping her arm tightly to hold her back. Tears welled up in Larissa's eyes as she struggled against Scarlet's strength, her desperation driving her to fight against anyone who stood in her way.

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