Chapter 39: It's Just the Beginning Of The End

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⚠️ This Whole Chapter Is A Warning ⚠️

"It's time," a voice whispered.

Footsteps resonated as the snow crunched beneath their weight, gradually moving toward the backdrop of snores.

The infernal gazed down at the slumbering Marylin and inclined its head, a mischievous glint dancing in its eyes. With a bared toe, it cautiously approached her, then slowly placed its foot against Marylin's lips. Suddenly, it then pushed its toes inside forcefully, jolting her awake. Coughing spasms overtook her as she turned her head, gasping for the frigid air.

"What... THE... heck!" Marylin wheezed, getting up to her knees in the snow. Leaning against a tree, she shot an angry glare at the infernal, whose grin was positively wicked.

 Leaning against a tree, she shot an angry glare at the infernal, whose grin was positively wicked

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"Apologies," it began, strolling past her. "I couldn't resist a vulnerable moment."

Chuckling followed its words. "But we need to get a move on, it's time," the infernal urged.

Marylin stood, wiping her mouth to rid herself of the lingering bitterness, using snow to soothe her throat. Observing the retreating figure of the infernal, she rolled her eyes, then retrieved the Necronomicon book before jogging to catch up. Not before retrieving her phone to send a message.

With Enid/ On The Road

"What's all this about?" Lilith's voice was heavy with anger and disbelief

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"What's all this about?" Lilith's voice was heavy with anger and disbelief.

"Huh?" Delilah responded, her gaze locked onto Lilith's with an intense scrutiny that could sear through steel.

"You really going to kill Avery!? Your own flesh and blood—" Lilith's words were charged with emotion.

Delilah brushed off the accusation dismissively, "It's not like what you're thinking—"

"Then tell me!" Lilith's anger surged, her struggles causing the chains to tighten around her.

Lilith's fierce resistance transformed into resignation, soon began tears streaming down her face. Her outburst drew a cynical comment from Juliet, who muttered, "Fucking crybaby," under her breath.

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