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Fr don't read this if you have triggers,

They very well may be mentioned in the book and the last thing i want is for someone to spiral because of something i put on the internet.

I do not have much of any experience with S*x trafficking, I am basing my writing of it off of internet research and assumptions. If any of the things in this book about it are incorrect, i apologize for the misinformation.

Do not take anything in this book as fact without doing your own research on it.

While i did some research on the things i wasn't too familiar about, I did not do research on things i was semi confident were true, so many things in the book may be wrong.


As i stated at the beginning and in the description of the book, this has many opportunities to trigger people greatly so please be careful when reading it. I don't have the chapters with potential triggers marked because, to be frank, they are in every chapter.



No matter who you are, no matter what people have told you, no matter who has put you down in life, remember that you are absolutely worth getting better.

You are absolutely worth waking up every morning and trying to do better.

Please recognize the bravery it takes to make a different choice everyday and praise yourself for every good one you make.

In this book i talk alot about suicide and self harm, alot of that comes from my own experiences with these things. I know it's hard to get clean, i know its hard to stay clean, i know its hard to stop finding peace admits the chaos.

But i promise you, there is absolutely someone out there who would miss you if you died.

There is someone who doesn't want the sun to set without you on the earth with them.

There is someone who thinks of you every time a certain song comes on.

Every time they pass a train.

Every time it storms.

Every time they watch a shitty movie.

If you have nothing else to hold on for then please hold on for the people who think of you in the little aspects of every day life.

I'll always be here to talk if any of you need advice or just someone to listen to you. But please,

Life is far too precious to let it disappear.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now