Part 19 New Rewards!

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Gu Xia stopped walking and sighed.

'Wow, I honestly thought you just forgot.'

[H-Host... I'm sorry, I've only been a system for a couple of thousand years...]

'Damn, so you're old, don't worry though I like older women.'

Gu Xia showed a small smile.

[Host! It's rude to say anything about a woman's age! It's taboo!]

[Also, not to be mean... But you're older than you look, mentally speaking.]

'Yeah, yeah, now hurry up with the rewards.'

Gu Xia didn't want to be reminded of his mental age...

[My apologies host!]


[The protagonist Lin Fan was not offered a job at Beauty Heaven causing the plot to slightly change!]

[Please pick a reward! Expert Sharpshooter or Prodigy Actor!]

Gu Xia closed his eyes and peacefully thought to himself about what he should choose.

'Well, at first I would have picked, Prodigy Actor to help me with the plot...'

'But! Because I'm not doing the plot anymore I should pick Expert Sharpshooter.'

​ 'I can enhance my gun skills and aim which could help me kill the protagonist.'

Deciding what he wanted to choose Gu Xia told the system.

'I'll pick, Expert Sharpshooter!'

[-----------Ding! The host has been rewarded Expert Sharpshooter!]

Feeling nothing happening to his body or mind Gu Xia was a little confused, until a second later when he suddenly felt a painful feeling inside his eye sockets.

Biting his lip and grinding his teeth and with sweat forming on his forehead he endured the pain.

After a couple of seconds of the sharp pain, he instantly felt better and soon he noticed that in his field of vision, he noticed little X marks everywhere.

Gu Xia, who could barely see anything else besides the X marks, was a little concerned.

'What the fuck? System explain please.'

[Of course host!]

[Those little X marks that you are currently seeing are aimbot in real life...]

[Anything those X marks touch you are able to shoot perfectly at.]

Gu Xia nodded his head showing he understood.

'I see... But, is there any way to hide them from my field of vision?'

[Of course host! I'll make them invisible for you!]

Just as the system said this, Gu Xia's field of vision became clearer,, and went back to his normal scenery.

'Thank you.'

Gu Xia thanked the system as he pulled out another cigarette.

[No problem, host! Now let's move on to your next reward!]


[Canceling the engagement with Shu Ling slightly changed the plot!]

[Please pick a reward! Business Genius or Academic Genius!]

Gu Xia thought to himself for a couple of minutes until he came to the conclusion of picking Business Genius.

Although Academic Genius sounds nice and probably would be extremely useful to him, he decided that because he doesn't attend college it would be pretty useless as of right now.

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