Part 25 Li Min Vs Gu Xia!

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Parking his silver Porsche 911 GT3 in a small parking lot that held too few to no cars, Gu Xia got out of his vehicle and locked the doors.

He took out his cigarette case and popped out a cigarette then placed it in his mouth.

Taking out his lighter he lit his cigarette and began inhaling the smoke into his throat until he released it back out into the air where a puff of smoke appeared.

"That hits the spot... Knowing this battled crazed pain-in-the-ass heroine... This is going to be annoying..."

Gu Xia spoke to himself as he walked out of the small parking lot.

Currently, he had no bodyguards with him or around him, he was all alone.

Making his way down the sidewalk under the flashing colored lights, Gu Xia walked past the prostitutes who leaned against the brick walls of stores and other facilities who were winking at him trying to gain his attention.

Some even called out to him...

"Hey sugar, want me to suck your dick?"

"Handsome man! Wanna do The Norwegian Steam Engine with me?"

Gu Xia let out a laugh as he waved them off.

"I'm good... I don't want to catch Chlamydia, Genital herpes, Gonorrhea, AIDS, Pubic lice, Syphilis, or Trichomoniasis... But if you don't possess any of these... Maybe we will talk?"

Instantly all of the prostitutes looked away and whistled, acting like Gu Xia was invisible.

With a shrug and smug expression, Gu Xia kept walking down the sidewalk where he eventually turned left into a lightly lit alleyway.

The alleyway which was dimmed with a small red light didn't have any trash scattered on the ground or any needles.

Surprisingly... It was amazingly clean.

Strolling further and further into the alleyway, Gu Xia eventually found himself standing across from an extremely large man who wore a black shirt and black pants.

He had multiple scars running down his face and a bullet scar pierced his bald forehead.

The atmosphere that was surrounding this man was pure intimidation.

Of course, this was the bouncer for Li Min's nightclub!

With a smile on his face, Gu Xia opened his mouth.

"I'm here to see your boss, tell her Gu Xia has arrived."

The bouncer didn't open his mouth nor did he even look Gu Xia in the eyes instead he opened the metal door and stood to the side respectfully.

With both eyebrows raised in a little disbelief, Gu Xia spits out his cigarette to the cold pavement ground and entered through the metal door.

Inside the nightclub, Gu Xia looked around and was a little disappointed as he gazed around the facility.

Currently, the dance floor, light show, and the stage for live music or a disc jockey were out of commission.

Only the bar was open and it only sat 12 people who were drinking Vodka.

"Interestingly, in the novel no facilities that were being run by Li Min were out of commission or had this low amount of people present."

As he commented to himself he walked toward Li Min's private office which was located on the second floor.

Walking up a narrow path of stairs and then walking down a small hallway, Gu Xia arrived in front of a wooden door.

Without any care, he knocked twice.

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