Part 33 Past Memories?

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"W-Why did you tie Lin Fan to a chair?"

Chang Wen blurted out shyly as she looked over.

"Why? Because this lustful piece of shit deserves to suffer through hell."

Gu Xia answered as he added his Qi into the rope, making sure Lin Fan couldn't break it.

"Um... W-W-What d-did he do...?"

Chang Wen could barely speak properly as she stuttered, even her voice went higher and lower in terms of sound.

Gu Xia stopped adding his Qi and turned around, he faced Chang Wan showing his empty eyes.


Chang Wen slightly jumped back like a scared cat.

Even though Gu Xia didn't utter a word... She could see his eyes were truly blackened.

It was like nothing was present in his eyes... Only darkness...

This made the innocent young heroine curious.

And, for some reason, she felt slightly guilty... Although she doesn't know why... She feels that she had done something to him which caused him great pain.

"Mister Gu... I don't know why you're acting like this... But I want to help you heal!"

She spoke in determination and with a hint of innocence.

With both eyebrows raised and a slightly curved frown, Gu Xia placed his right hand gently on his face as he slowly shook his head.

"Not possible. No one can heal me from what I've been through."


Chang Wen wanted to speak but when she saw his gaze, she closed her mouth and looked sadly downward toward the floor.

She lightly clenched her hands and closed her eyes.

'I need to save him... I feel like I had done something to add to his pain... I must get rid of this guilt and try and salvage his kind soul.'

After some time thinking inside her head... She spoke again.

"Mister Gu, I want to save you from the darkness and bring you over to the light!"

Hearing this, Gu Xia touched his head and began to rub it.

He was truly astonished at how she was acting right now...

,m Your not a fucking saint!

He wanted to yell it out loud... But he decided it would be pointless.

A minute slowly went by and after that 60 seconds, he looked directly into Chang Wen's blue eyes.

"You said you wanted to bring me over to the light, right?"

Gu Xia asked in a serious voice.

Chang Wen wasted no time in nodding her head.

"Of course! I feel some type of guilt telling me I've done something to cause you pain."

Gu Xia's ears perked up and his eyes slightly widened.

He was in complete disbelief that she felt some type of guilt.

"W-Why do you feel guilty?"

He needed to know.

Chang Wen looked dejected as she answered his question.

"I-I don't know... I just have this feeling of guilt consuming my heart every time I see your empty eyes."

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