Part 55 Lin Yen [2] [R18]

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" much cum has come out... Did it feel good? It was my first time performing fellatio."

Lin Yen asked, embarrassment filling in her voice.

"Yeah, it was pretty good. Most men would have ejaculated in a matter of minutes by now."

Gu Xia praised.

Lin Yen's attitude softened thanks to her master's constant showering of praises.

"It's been a long time since I've been praised that much..."

She blushed slightly, she is not very good at receiving praise, and she was thirsty for it that even a simple one could make her like this.

Standing up, she wiped off the cum that lingered on her face.

When she looked at Gu Xia, he grabbed her by the arm.

He then pushed her down on the pitch-black ground onto her back, without saying a word.

"Kyaaa! What are you doing, this wasn't in our deal... Gasp."

Lin Yen's line of sight goes down.

And beyond that line is Gu Xia's erected cock.

"One ejaculation is not enough. Will you help me quell it out?"

Gu Xia as he said this, he touched Lin Yen's virgin pussy, anal, and flat tits.

She shuddered as he slipped his hand around her body.

"Not there! If you do that, I'm gonna-!"

Lin Yen started to resist, trying to get out from under Gu Xia.

However, the force with which she wriggled her arms and legs was weak, signifying that it was all just a pretext for wanting the next act.

She's still moving too much, though, and Gu Xia couldn't start if she continues to flail like this.

"You have to save that part for the person you're going to marry!"

Lin Yen let out a yelp.

Gu Xia was a little dumbfounded...

It was a resistance that he couldn't believe was coming from someone who has given him a blowjob earlier.

He came to the quick conclusion that she must have a very unique concept of chastity.

But from the looks of it, it's going to be difficult to talk her out of it, and he can't hold back his desire to break Lin Fan mentally.

After the mental part is done... Physical pain will come next.

With no other choice, Gu Xia tried another idea.

"How about your ass?"

He slid his hand from her flat tits and rubbed her ass.

Which was just as fleshy as her breasts.

The soft flesh seems to absorb Gu Xia's hand, and its beautiful skin is very arousing to look at.

"M-my butt... Eh, really?"

"I've had a lot of experience with it, so I can guarantee you'll feel almost exactly the same. So, how will it be?"

"I've read about it, but can you really do it?"

"Yeah, and you won't have to worry about getting pregnant."

As Gu Xia said this, he pressed his hardened cock against Lin Yen's moist jaded skin.

It was to emphasize that he would not release her...

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