Part 29 Lin Fan's Confused? [2]

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Putting on black stockings that went up her slender legs and a light blue dress that covered her body, Chang Wen took a deep breath and applied her small golden earrings in her ear.

A couple of minutes went by and Gu Xia's inner voice resounded in her mind.

[I'm going to guess you're dressed... So, I'll give you a quick rundown of what Lin Fan is going to do in about 6 minutes.]

[First, he'll knock on your door wanting to approach you, he will give you the excuse that he is your new neighbor and wants to get to know you.]

[Second, he'll ask for your name, and once you say your name he will act surprised.]

[Third, he'll do anything to be invited inside, he will say something along the lines of wanting to catch up about the college days.]

[Fourth, he'll ask to use the bathroom, at this point, he will try and place a small camera to be able to monitor you when you take a shower.]

[Fifth, he'll ask to take a shower and tell a bullshit lie about how his shower doesn't work.]

[Sixth, he will try and make you flustered by 'accidentally' showing off his dick as he leaves the shower and plays it off like a complete mistake.]

Chang Wen's face was completely flushed and her entire body felt sluggish as she had a defeated expression plastered on her face.

Hearing all of this caused multiple emotions to swarm inside her.

She felt scared...

She felt nervous...

She felt hopeless...

She felt like a small rabbit being hunted by a big bad wolf.

[At this point you're probably scared... Well, don't worry, as long as you follow my orders you'll be fine.]

Chang Wen sighed in relief...

For some reason, she felt she could trust Gu Xia...

Something inside her heart was giving her this feeling of trust.

Suddenly, Chang Wen's phone which was laying on a small wooden table vibrated.

She looked over with question marks appearing on her face as she knew her phone was on do not disturb.

[Don't worry, I had one of my subordinates hack into your phone and send you my contact information. Go over and look at what I sent you.]

Chang Wen followed Gu Xia's small order and made her way to her phone and picked it up.

Putting in her password and then tapping on the messaging app, she discovered that at the very top of her contact list had a special contact named...


She hesitantly tapped on the contact name with a little fear lingering around her mind.

But, as soon as she saw what was sent to her, the fear disappeared instantly.

Instead, her eyes widened in shock and her entire body went red.


Chang Wen couldn't even complete a single thought in her mind as she felt her head go dizzy.

Although she was embarrassed her preciouses innocent eyes couldn't stop looking at the picture of the ginormous cock that was sent to her.

As her eyes were about to fall to the back of her head, Gu Xia's inner voice spoke again.

[I sent you a picture of my cock, just so you don't get flushed at seeing Lin Fan's.]

[Although I wanted you to not even contact him... The plot is already activated... And you're already at the scene, making it impossible to stop the plot playout.]

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