Part 54 Lin Yen [1] [R18]

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Lin yen slightly blushed at their physical contact.

Shu Ling and Gu Xiang felt a sudden wave of jealousy crash against their hearts.

The rest of the heroines glanced away as if feeling slightly embarrassed at the romantic scene in front of them.

"C-Can we get this over with... Please... M-M-Master..."

Lin Yen innocently asked, her heartbeat quickened, and she got on her knees.

"Of course my maid, let's begin Lin Fan's torture!!!"

Gu Xia loudly spoke, you could practically hear the excitement hingeing in his voice.

Lin Fan's entire body shuttered under the excited voice.

Not wanting to waste a second longer in breaking Lin Fan even more...

Gu Xia focused his dark Qi and small black particles began coursing through his entire hand.

Suddenly a pitch-black void was created.

"Shall we start?"

Gu Xia commented, and he snapped his finger.

Immediately, Lin Yen and Lin Fan were covered in dark Qi.

No one else was covered.

A couple of seconds later, both people who were covered in dark Qi disappeared from thin air.

The entire time, Lin Fan was tightly holding onto the large man's shoulders screaming, "Pl-please he-help me!!!"

Lin Yen simply stayed silent and accepted her body being consumed.

Gu Xia stretched his body before looking at all the heroines.

"I'll be right back, my lovely maids."

With a smile, he disappeared leaving the heroines full of confusion.




In a pitch-black space, Lin Fan's entire body was chained to the dark wall, he tried to struggle but he couldn't move an inch.

"P-Please Lin Yen!!! Don't do this to me!"

Lin Yen ignored his cries and instead waited patiently for her master.

Soon enough, Gu Xia appeared.

He didn't have his clothes on... He was the way he came into this world.

This caused a blush from Lin Yen and a mental attack on Lin Fan who bit his lip in jealousy.

"hi-hi! This is...!"

Lin Yen let out a small scream as she gazed at Gu Xia's cock which was out and about!

"Remember our deal... Hurry up."

Gu Xia rushed the maiden.

Hesitantly, Lin Yen wrapped her hands around his cock.

"W-what should I do next?"

"Just hold it gently and squeeze it up and down."

Lin Yen followed Gu Xia's words and began to give a beginner's hand job.

The technique is worse than a kid who just learned to jerk off...

Though, Gu Xia loved the look on Lin Yen's face as she squeezed his cock.

"Don't get too monotonous. Make it faster, hold it a little tighter, and change your movements from time to time."

Gu Xia turned into a teacher as he explained to the flat-chested heroine what to do.

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