Chapter 3: Control

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Freddy's POV

We were all sitting down having pizza explaining to Chica that we start at 6:00am and finish at 10:00pm until Foxy and this purple soul came out of 'Pirate's Cove' then my face went into shock. The purple soul was the one who murdered us all back in 1987!

''YOU!'' I shouted as I got up from the table walking towards the soul.

I stared right into his lifeless soul and he let out an evil cackle.

''Freddy, my man. It's been a long time.''It said as it slowly circled round me. I looked at Foxy to see his eyes black with white dots in the middle.

''What have you done to HIM!'' I shouted right in the soul's face.

''Foxy here is under my control, he can do anything I wish.'' The soul said

Foxy raised his hook and tried to stab me but I dodged it and then he punched me multiple times in the head which made me fall to the ground. Then Foxy ran off into the parts 'n service room and cut the power to the building. I used my eyes to glow in the dark to find Foxy but he sneaked up behind me then pinned me to the ground about to raise his hook. Chica then pushed him off of me.

Chica's POV

Foxy was being possessed by the purple soul and after I pushed him off of Freddy he pinned me up against the wall until Freddy tackled him punching him repeatedly. Foxy attacked back and threw him into a table then Bonnie tried to punch him but missed and then Foxy tackled him punching him repeatedly until he was knocked out. He then came over to me and pinned me against the wall. Then Mike came behind him and pulled out a nightstick then tripped him up then electrocuted him with his tazer. Then we saw the purple soul fly out of his body.

''I WILL BE BACK!'' It shouted as it floated up in the air.

Mike then dragged Foxy who was knocked out into 'Pirate's Cove' and then Mike put him on his chair until he recovered.

''Freddy, Bonnie!'' I shouted as I helped them both up.

''Chica, what happened?'' Freddy asked as he was walking to a table.

''Foxy is free of the purple soul and is in 'Pirate's Cove' for now'' I said as me and Freddy are relieved.

''FOXY SHOULD BE SCRAPPED FOR WHAT HE DID!'' Bonnie shouted as loud as he can until Freddy gave him the death stare.

''NO, Bonnie, he will have to answer to me.'' Freddy said shouting back.

Bonnie stormed off and I sat next to Freddy as I wanted to tell him that I love Foxy.

''Freddy can I tell you something?'' I asked

''Yes, of course'' Freddy replied

''Well...I'm in love with F-'' As I said before Freddy interrupted me.

''Foxy, isn't it?'' Freddy said smirking.

''Yes, but I don't know if he would feel the same?'' I said putting my head down.

''Well Chica, I was talking to him right before the attack, he said something that you're gonna love. He told me that you're beautiful in every way and wants to be with you.'' Freddy said smiling while I was jumping up in joy.

''You gonna go see him?'' Freddy asked

''Yes, I will.'' I said leaving happily going along the 'Pirate's Cove to see if he was awake yet.

Foxy's POV

15 minutes later...

I woke up on my chair to see Chica standing in front of me. I can't believe I let 'him' take control of me.

''Ohhh my head''as I groaned in pain.

''Chica what are you do-'' that was all I could say before Chica kissed me for 5 seconds.

''I was so scared of losing you.'' Chica said while she kissed me again.

''I love you, Foxy'' Chica said surprising me making me blush, I didn't expect for anyone to care about me except Freddy.

''Chica, I love you too.'' I said smiling at her making her blush until Freddy came in smiling at me

''What? It's natural.'' I said to Freddy joking around.

''Chica can you give us a minute?'' Freddy said to Chica while she exited the room still smiling.

Freddy smiled in the 'I know your secret' kind of way to me.

''So, are you two, you know.'' Freddy said still giving me that look.

''Yeah, I feel happy now.''I said to him smiling.

''Good Foxy, oh and by the way, I spoke to the manager.'' Freddy said still smiling.

''About what?'' I asked puzzled.

''About getting you to perform again'' Freddy said which shocked me.

(IM FUCKING BACK) Foxy x Chica (FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now