Chapter 25: All fixed up

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Mike's POV

I was driving to my house with Foxy in the back of the car laying dead with his throat cut open. I feel very bad for Chica. I arrive at the street that I live in and pulled in the driveway of my house.

''Sophie?!'' I shout.

''Yeah dad?'' my daughter Sophie shouts from her window.

''Get mum for me, will ya?'' I shout back.

''Sure thing, dad.'' Sophie shouts going down the stairs. After about 2 minutes, Mary, my wife came out.

''What is it honey?'' Mary came up to me.

I open the back door of the car and she was shocked to find Foxy lying dead on the car seat. 

''Well, you know Foxy, right?'' I asked Mary.

''Yeah, you always tell me about him.''

''Well, an animatronic came and attacked the others and Foxy was killed in the process.''

''Oh dear.'' Mary said a bit shocked.

''Help me move his body, will ya?'' I say dragging his body out of the car and closing the door.

''Sure thing.'' Mary says picking up his feet and bringing him down in the basement. We lay him on the worktop and I immediately start work on him. I heard a car pulling up into our driveway and someone came running down into the basement, Jeremy.

''I came as quickly as I could.'' Jeremy said getting his toolbox out.

''Oh shit. He looks bad.'' Jeremy said working on his neck.

3 day's later...

We were working on him for 3 day's straight. He was very low on power so it took time for him to heal. Me and Jeremy just talked for the 2 hour's we were waiting. Suddenly, he powered on.

''Ohh, my throat.'' Foxy moans out of pain.

''Foxy, can you hear me?'' I say hovering over him.

''Yeah, I can hear you.'' Foxy said sitting up looking at me.

''Wanna go back to the pizzeria?''

''Hell yeah, I've had enough trouble for one day.''

''Ok, let's go.'' I say getting in the car with Foxy, Jeremy went in his own car and we drove back to the pizzeria.

(IM FUCKING BACK) Foxy x Chica (FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now