Chapter 29: The Nightmare

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Saturday, 1 week after the wedding.



Foxy's POV

I awoke in this dark bedroom, there was a closet facing towards the bed I was sleeping in, I have never been in this room before. I hear walking outside the two opposite doors to the left and right of me. Instead of normal, human steps, they sounded heavy, and slow. I also noticed I was smaller than usual, like a little kid. The closet creaked open then closed, like something was about to come out but stopped at the last second. This scared me, a lot, I run over with my small feet over to the closet, cautious, I opened the closet to see nothing in there,

"Hmm" I say in my head, on my left I heard footsteps. I see that the door is open and I needed to hold it shut, before I went to the door I spotted a flashlight on the bed. Something wasn't right. I feel like something was watching me from the shadows, I flicked on the light on the bed and found 3 little Freddy's that were nightmarish looking, they had sharp teeth, sharp, cyborg like eyes and were wild, they were shaking like they were mentally disturbed, then one by one, they dissapeared under the bed. This scared me, a lot. I went over to the door finally and held it shut, I could have sworn I heard breathing, when I opened the door finally after 40 seconds, I flick on the flashlight, to find a black bear, with very sharp teeth on it's stomach, and in his mouth (duh) he was leaning in very close to me, and a huge feeling of fear shot up through me like an infection. He lunged at me while screaming in a dark, distorted tone.


Foxy's POV

I woke up screaming, I sat up quickly and rubbed my eyes, "It's just a dream, Foxy." I said to myself quietly, I look to my right and Chica wasn't next to me, odd. I got up still shaken from the dream, "What was it?" Was the main thought running through my head. I went into the bathroom which was unlocked to find Chica washing her face with the sink water, she looked really tired and shaken too, When I entered the bathroom, she hugged me tight.

"I had a really bad dream." Chica said to me almost crying.

"I did too." I say back to her.

We both heard screaming coming from Freddy's room, which is right next to The Parts & Service Room. I rush to Freddy's room hearing this scream, as did Chica. We both entered the room to find Freddy and Tochi sitting on the bed. Mike and Jeremy rushed in behind us.

"I'm sorry, I just had a really bad dream." Freddy was saying to Tochi.

"It's ok." Tochi said caringly to Freddy who looked pretty shaken up.

Freddy and Tochi looked at me and Chica.

"You both look shaken up." Freddy said to me and Chica.

"As do you." I said back to Freddy.

We all heard another scream come from Bonnie's room. We all rush to his room to find Bonnie lying on the bed rubbing his eyes while Bon was sitting next to him holding his hand.

"Sorry guys, bad dream." Bonnie said to us all in an apologetic tone.

"You all look terrified." Bonnie said to me, Chica, and Freddy.

We just all looked at each other, not knowing what to say next.

Gold then teleported into the room not saying a thing, he looked pissed, probably didn't get any sleep the poor bastard. I thought he was going to start shouting at us because we probably woke him up from his sleep, but instead, he said something else.

"Something impossible just happened to me," Gold began.

"I had a nightmare, which I can't have." Gold said to us all.

"Are you sure can't have nightmares?" Bonnie said to Gold.

"I'm very sure." Gold said looking angrily at Bonnie.

2 Hours Later...

We all sat at a table, Me, Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Gold explained our nightmares to everyone who else, they all sounded exactly the same, we all woke up in a mysterious bedroom with a closet facing the bed, two doors, one left, one right, we all felt small, the 3 Mini Freddy's, and then the Monstrosity at the end.

This is no coincidence we, all had the same exact dream.

"This isn't right." I said to everyone.

"I mean, it's no coincidence we all had the same nightmare." I continued.

"You're right." Gold said now being calmed down a little bit.

"Someone may be trying to attack us mentally." Gold said.

"Doesn't that only happen in movies?" Bonnie said to Gold.

"With all the shit that has been happening over the years, us coming back to life after we were murdered. Yeah, I think it sums it up well." Gold said speaking annoyed at Bonnie.

"Alright, just asking." Bonnie said in defence.

"Well whatever it is, we need to be getting to the bottom of this." Freddy said to the gang.

"You're right, we can't be sitting here arguing." The marionette said coming from out of nowhere.

"Who the hell is that." Chica said startled.

"That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that they're going to be attacking soon." The marionette said looking at the group.

"When exactly are they attacking." Foxy asked.

"I-I don't know, my visions clouded, but they will be attacking soon." The marionette said turning his back and heading into the darkness.

"So you better be ready." He said finally while vanishing in the darkness.

"Shit," Freddy said looking down at the table.

"He's right, Bonnie. We need to be prepared or we won't stand a chance." I said a tiny bit worried thinking back to that night when we both first met him.

Bonnie was thinking, hard.

"I have an idea." Bonnie said with a devious smile on his face.

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